Էվթանազիա, մտքեր և կարծիքներ

Եթե ընտանիքի անդամը կամ ընկերն ունի տերմինալ հիվանդություն, և նա նախընտրում է պարզապես ավարտել իր կյանքը, թույլ կտա՞ք նրան: Բացատրեք ձեր պատճառները.

  1. i would, because i think it’s his right to do what he decides with his body/life and i would respect his choice to end meaningless suffering.
  2. i’ll try to convince him not to do it. maybe he could enjoy living his remaining life if he sees things from a different point of view. however, i won’t do anything to stop him if he is 100% sure.
  3. yes, because he is the one who is suffering and not me. i could never let someone suffer just so i could spend more time with them. it is not my choice in this case.
  4. if the illness makes his life worse - yes. it's his life, and if the disease is killing the person i love and there is nothing that can be done to save him, i would support his decision 100%.
  5. if he is fully aware and makes this decision, i would respect his "wish."
  6. yes, with respect for this choice. but i think that the most important thing is to support him and stay close to him.
  7. probably yes, because i respect his/her choice, and don't want him/her to suffer from the pain.
  8. yes
  9. yes, because it’s his life, not mine.
  10. if he/she can still express a preference, i think he/she can only decide what’s best for their life. i would not go against their will and let them make their own decisions.
  11. it depends on the illness. if that person is suffering, and the illness is just progressing and cannot be cured - yes, i would allow that person to end their life with euthanasia.
  12. in such cases, the patient's life does not reach the quality of life levels that ensure them an enjoyable life. forcing someone to live a painful life is less ethical than provoking their death in order to stop their suffering.
  13. after listening to the opinions of experts who make him fully aware of his situation, absolutely yes.
  14. yes, his/her life, his/her decision.
  15. yes, because everyone has the right to decide about their lives.
  16. yes. because it is his/her life, we cannot understand what that person goes through.
  17. sure. it's just his will.
  18. i suppose so. especially if it could end the pain. you cannot choose about other people's health and life, because you don't know how it feels.
  19. i think it's insane to force someone to live a life of suffering.
  20. yes, because we’re talking about his life, so only he can decide.
  21. yes, i would, because it would be more painful for me to see him in bad conditions, knowing that he isn’t living his best life, than to know that he is in a better place, finally free from any pain.
  22. yes, because merely suffering is not living.
  23. yes
  24. he has the terminal illness, not me, so it's difficult for me to not let him do that thing.
  25. yes, because he is free to decide.
  26. yes. it's hard for me, but if i were sure he is not changing his mind.
  27. yes, when the pain is too strong to bear, it is right for the patient to decide not to suffer anymore.
  28. yes, if it's his decision, i would let him end it. i think it's better to end life when you are quite sure than to die after months or years of suffering.
  29. he stops his suffering and stops his pain.
  30. yes
  31. yes, because it would be his or her own decision and i would respect it. i'm not the one who is ill, so i don't have any right to decide.