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Elegant, with a sense of depth and mystery, but i feel the character has a hidden potential. maybe it's because of the unified circular design.
I suggest using brown more and making it like the frame in all types, but changing the color in the middle so that the paper classifications are distinguished. good luck!
When i saw her, i remembered the cartoons that used to air on mbc3, and we prevented the kids from watching them because there were many symbols and signs that related to religious beliefs.
Its colors are dark and repulsive, and the decorations made me feel like it was a magic trick.
It would be better if you change the logo of the green or purple paper because it's the same logo but flipped.
It's nice, but when i saw it, i felt like i wanted to turn on the light; i don't know why the darkness is exaggerated.
Its design is a bit dark and gloomy, but the idea of the game is nice.
It's like the tarot cards i've never seen but have only read about.
You reminded me of the design of kaiji anime cards.
I hope there is a frame for the paper.
The design could be better and simpler.
Sorry, but it doesn't look like a card game.
It doesn't look like a toy.
The shapes are difficult to distinguish.
It looks amazing and complex.
It has a flat shape.
The design hurts the eyes.
It looks very ordinary.
You need a frame.
Կգնե՞ք խաղը տեսած ձևի հիման վրա։
Կասե՞ք որևէ մեկին այս խաղի մասին։
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