Լիտվայի պատկերն ուսումնասիրություն

B13. Արդյոք երբևէ տեսել եք (հեռուստատեսությամբ, թերթերում, ամսագրերում) որևէ Լիտվայի տեսարան կամ վայր (որտեղ և երբ)?

  1. no
  2. tv
  3. no
  4. no
  5. no
  6. no
  7. never
  8. a sizable portion of the stuff you put out is astonishingly correct, which makes me wonder why i had not looked at this in this particular light before. this piece truly did turn the light on for me regarding this particular subject matter. however, there is actually one aspect i am not entirely comfortable with, so while i try to reconcile that with the central idea of your point, let me see what the rest of your readers have to say. pretty well done.
  9. good day! this was a really excellent subject! i come from italy, i was lucky to find your theme on google. also, i learned a lot from your topics, really thanks very much. i will come back later.
  10. you're on top of the game. thanks for sharing.
  11. us president bush visited lithuania several months ago.
  12. no
  13. yes on maltese tv - documentary about the new eu member states
  14. ignalina
  15. publicity when it joined the eu
  16. there are so many other places that have higher priority.
  17. no
  18. i have not seen.
  19. no
  20. no
  21. no
  22. history channel, travel channel, and public television channel and several magazine articles.
  23. vilnius - in a tv show about unesco - world heritage site
  24. very little but in magazines in the uk
  25. on occasion
  26. i have read about vilnius and its development since the collapse of the ussr. i mainly read tourism and travel publications.
  27. i haven't seen any pictures of lithuania either on television or in magazines.
  28. no
  29. no
  30. when the european song contest is shown on tv, i've seen different places from lithuania.
  31. rarely, occasionally, lithuanian basketball will be a side note in a magazine.
  32. various articles in newspapers and tv. don't remember the dates.
  33. i don't remember.
  34. none that i can distinguish exactly. i heard about it often enough, especially in the news concerning the baltic republics and the european union.
  35. not that i remember
  36. no
  37. no
  38. no
  39. on tv, in magazines, so many times, we're neighbors after all.
  40. yes, on tv when spain (football) played last year in vilnius. i also saw photos in a report in el país.
  41. no
  42. never
  43. something about the ignalina plant being a safety hazard for europe, on tv.
  44. yes, i am sure, i have, but i do not remember which.
  45. no
  46. no
  47. seldom on tv
  48. about 1 year ago, some political news about the eu, and some events in sports.
  49. a year ago on tv
  50. can't remember, maybe just demonstrations
  51. travel pages on the internet.
  52. no
  53. yes, i know it sounds bad, but lithuania reminds me of war-torn eastern europe. it may be different and beautiful, but that is the image i get when i think of lithuania.
  54. no
  55. no
  56. no, as i remember
  57. in the past about vilnius
  58. after 1991, the server was seen on tv. also, there is not much on the internet.
  59. no
  60. books, encyclopedia, news, etc.
  61. sorry, here in mexico it is difficult to read about lithuanian.
  62. mostly in the news
  63. yes, in travel magazines, especially as a consequence of the european union issue.
  64. no
  65. no
  66. no
  67. i don't think so (unfortunately)
  68. occasionally see articles, but don't remember exactly where... not often.
  69. just on the internet
  70. no
  71. never
  72. not, unfortunately.
  73. no
  74. no
  75. yes, in the advertisement on tv, it was a spot to visit lithuania.
  76. yes, a cd about lithuania i got from a friend, and pictures of friends there.
  77. no
  78. tv programs on german television
  79. 请提供需要翻译的内容。
  80. no
  81. no
  82. no.
  83. bbc
  84. not that i can remember.
  85. yes, in norwegian newspapers, in articles about travel in the baltics.
  86. on tv, they were explaining that lithuania became a member of the european union.
  87. yes, on travel websites on the internet.
  88. yes
  89. i can't remember.
  90. no
  91. no
  92. yes, from a friend's camera.
  93. tv october 2005, newspaper february 2006
  94. no.
  95. on television
  96. programs on polish tv, in lithuanian magazines as i used to live with lithuanians.
  97. no
  98. no
  99. some articles about lithuania resorts in latvian newspapers. very often
  100. no