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Ինչը կդարձնի ձեզ ավելի անվտանգ, եթե ճանապարհորդեք միայնակ? Սա կարող է ներառել անձնական իրերի ցանկ

  1. don't know
  2. i don't feel safe traveling alone, but if i were to, i would need to have my phone, cash, cards, id, and safety devices/self-defense tools.
  3. knowing which areas are definitely safe for women from those who have previously traveled there maybe a tracker for family to know exactly where i am a trusted person in the area to know where i am standard safety items such as a panic alarm and other defense items (depending on what is legal in that area)
  4. some sort of weapon, rape alarm, pepper spray
  5. knowing there are people i can meet up with in a safe group rather than just the unknown. knowing there are safe spaces to store my personal belongings.
  6. some kind of legal weapon
  7. access to wi-fi, maps, recommended places to go that people can vouch for being safe or the opposite, like for example if a club is known for spiking drinks, maybe there’s a review section that advises you not to go there. rape alarm. a guidebook with emergency contacts for each country, like who to contact. padlock. charger.
  8. phone, good maps app
  9. pepper spray for emergencies phone, charger, good signal
  10. weapon, torch, phone
  11. meeting up with groups of other young people in different countries.
  12. phone with signal and data for maps
  13. having everything booked in advance and letting people at home know where you’re staying, meeting others who are also traveling alone, portable phone chargers, door locks.
  14. connection to home i.e. wi-fi/phone
  15. phone money shearing location with family/friends at all times touch (at night) whistle knowing the language of the place visited pepper spray
  16. possessions such as a rape alarm or emergency number for women in crisis. and someone always knowing my whereabouts.
  17. knowing there is someone to reach out to or ask for assistance.
  18. well-lit public areas physical presence of staff/security signs in english in a foreign country
  19. rape alarms, safety tools, wifi to connect to home
  20. ensuring i can inform people of my location at all times.
  21. increased education aimed at young boys and men on how to leave women alone… rape alarms easy access to emergency services communities where lone travelers can interact
  22. bum bags so your belongings can't be easily stolen, a rape alarm is reassuring to have as a female!
  23. attack alarm find my friends for iphone pickpocket-proof clothing / extra hidden pockets water purifier vpn dummy wallet device to lock hotel door power bank first aid kit emergency contacts spare cash or card
  24. • 一款可以在我处于危险情况下提醒我的紧急联系人应用程序 • 谷歌翻译,如果我在一个英语不广泛使用的地方 • 我手提包里常备的小药房! • 一个便携式手机充电器,以便我永远不会陷入没有沟通/导航方式的困境
  25. an online community of others traveling around the same areas as me.
  26. being with someone, having accommodation booked in advance, and knowing exactly where i'm traveling to.
  27. spare bank card & dummy phone
  28. knowing that the places i'm staying are really well known among my friends and family, i know they are safe and reliable.
  29. having some sort of self-defense tool for emergencies… (pepper spray or a horn to alert others) i’ve traveled alone though and i was fine!
  30. i don’t think anything would make me feel safe alone; i would have to go with a group.
  31. not sure i'd travel alone for this reason, but if i were to, then a phone, location tracking, and a first aid kit.
  32. always having a working phone and number to contact home.
  33. mobile phone, knowing there are other people in the same position, door lock.
  34. meeting with an organized group/guide, any self-defense devices or classes, basic knowledge of the local language in case you need help.
  35. pepper spray know self-defense
  36. i think meeting up with people along the way would make me feel safer in a group. i would prefer to stay in nicer places as it would make me feel safer, knowing that i have a base. i also believe that having 'find my friends' is beneficial when traveling and allowing my friends and family to have that.
  37. to be honest, i don’t think anything would.
  38. access to wifi sim card that works across several countries knowledge of scams that occur in the countries you’re visiting facebook groups for other travelers
  39. free roaming on your phone all around the world.
  40. things that can be used in self-defense, such as rape alarms, etc. it's sad to think you might need it, but i definitely believe it would be a necessary precaution.
  41. locks etc.
  42. phone (personally would like a satellite phone so it can work no matter what) alarm male company!
  43. phone power bank alarm
  44. an app with contacts/people doing the same to stay in touch with. more assistance for travelers, places to visit, etc. some kind of alarms that you can carry, apps that keep you safe.
  45. having a fully secured room and a platform where you can find people in similar situations.
  46. less scary and predatory men pepper spray general self-defense weapons map mobile
  47. having a room to myself (not having to share with strangers), somewhere safe to store my valuables, a good door lock, an alarm.
  48. i'm scared to travel alone.
  49. a list of emergency contacts, first aid kit, medication
  50. a tracker and maybe an alarm.
  51. pepper spray rape alarm with gps tracking
  52. phone
  53. a mobile phone, buying a sim or data over there, and definitely a portable charger which is a must. a rape alarm too. maybe a lock for my suitcase. some spare change and cash, bank cards.