Հաճախորդի/հոտավետության վաճառողի վերաբերմունքը YSL հոտավետության նկատմամբ

Այս ուսումնասիրությունը վերաբերում է Yves Saint Laurent-ի "OPIUM" հոտավետության հոգեբանական վերլուծությանը Euromed Management-ից: Մենք շնորհակալություն ենք հայտնում ձեզ, որ մի քանի րոպե տրամադրեք մեզ ձեր զգացմունքները կիսելու համար: Դա շատ արժեքավոր կլինի: Բոլոր տեղեկությունները գաղտնի կլինեն:

Նախապես շնորհակալություն!

Ձեր անունը:

  1. swastika
  2. happiness
  3. rupashree dey
  4. synwremudk
  5. yyuprnxbctjlvc


  1. 35
  2. 27
  3. 26
  4. uqfqkexpntqczcqz
  5. ooaiqrbyqucdlicxy

Ֆունկցիա: դուք եք


  1. no
  2. A
  3. ysl
  4. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  5. uffeasbohhlumzrem

Դուք զույգ եք կազմում՞

Ինչ է ձեզ համար նշանակում "Opium" տերմինը?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. addictive
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Որ YSL հոտավետությունը կգնեք?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. my paris
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Անհակառակ, որն եք չգնելու?

  1. no
  2. she
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. not my type
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Քանի հոտավետություն եք գնում ամեն տարի?

  1. 5
  2. 3-4
  3. ierqteonlvvzljgttu
  4. pxszhxgepwljmmjdsp

Որ ժամանակահատվածն է ամենահարմար հոտավետություն գնելու համար?

Ինչ է ձեր տեսլականը YSL ապրանքանիշի մասին? Դա շքեղ ապրանքանիշ է՞

  1. no
  2. yes. ysl fragrances are liquid emotion – the combination of the sophistication of french perfumery with daring excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Դուք երբևէ գնել եք այս ապրանքանիշի հոտավետություն՞

Եթե այո, որն է?

  1. my paris
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in t-minus 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Եթե ոչ, ինչու?

  1. no
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ձեր կարծիքով, YSL հոտավետությունները ավելի լավ են համապատասխանում տղամարդկանց, կանանց, թե երկուսին?

  1. no
  2. yes.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. they offer a variety of perfumes that suit both men and women.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ձեր կարծիքով, ով է ISL-ի էգերիան? (տղամարդ, եթե հարցվողը տղամարդ է, կին, եթե հարցվողը կին է)?

  1. no
  2. both men and women
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ինչ է ձեզ համար հոտավետությունը՝ համերաշխությունը? կիսվելը? փոխանցումը? խուսափումը?... և այլն?

  1. no
  2. liquid emotions
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ներքևի հարցերը միայն YSL սպառողների համար են: Ինչու եք ընտրում ISL ապրանքանիշը, այլ ոչ թե մեկ այլ?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Հիշո՞ւմ եք հոտավետության գույները:

  1. yellow
  2. pink, yellow
  3. alvwnwntlf
  4. nbgfxikzqh

Ներքևի հարցերը միայն YSL սպառողների համար են: (Դուք և YSL-ի "OPIUM") YSL-ի հետ, ինչպիսի կին եք դուք?

  1. no
  2. elegant
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Դուք ինքներդ ձեզ ճանաչո՞ւմ եք որպես հոտավետությունների գովազդի թիրախ:

  1. no
  2. might be
  3. cixxsgjlttlcrxg
  4. hyxpuvuqkmuezi

Եթե մենք պետք է միավորենք առարկաների պատկերները, ինչ կարող եք ավելացնել հոտավետությանը?

  1. no
  2. hat
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Եթե դուք պետք է խորհուրդ տաք ISL-ին, ինչ կասեք ընկերոջը?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances for a perfume with bold excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)
Ստեղծել ձեր հարցաթերթիկըՊատասխանել այս հարցմանը