Մեդիկական Ինֆորմատիկա

Ինչ է նշանակում Ինֆորմատիկա բառը?

  1. informatica is a software development company founded in 1993. it is headquartered in redwood city, california.
  2. automatic information
  3. info= automatic information
  4. telematic information
  5. telematic information
  6. telematic information
  7. automatic information
  8. automatic information
  9. automatic information
  10. automatic information

Ո՞րն է PC-ի ամենակարևոր բաղադրիչը?

Ո՞րն են այն համակարգիչների տեսակները, որոնք գիտես, և հաղորդակցման էլեկտրոնային սարքերը, որոնք գիտես?

  1. pc, laptop, smartphone
  2. pcs, mobiles
  3. notebook
  4. tablet, personal computer
  5. netbook, tablet, notebook, all-in-one, hybrids, ultrabook
  6. netbook, notebook, ultrabook, macbook
  7. mainframe, supercomputer, workstation, desktop pc, notebook, netbook, ultrabook, handheld, tablet, phablet, hybrid
  8. tablet, handheld, desktop, mainframe, supercomputer
  9. notebook, network, ultrabook, hybrid, phablet, palmtop, mainframe, desktop pc, workstation
  10. notebook, netbook, ultrabook, tablet, phablet, phones

Ինչի համար է southbridge-ը?

  1. the southbridge is one of the two chips in the core logic chipset on a personal computer (pc) motherboard, the other being the northbridge. the southbridge typically implements the slower capabilities of the motherboard in a northbridge/southbridge chipset computer architecture.
  2. don't know
  3. to connect the motherboard with the peripherals through the bus.
  4. connect the peripherals such as ide, isa, legacy, bios to the northbridge, which has a direct connection to the cpu
  5. it is a chip, which is part of the chipset, that implements the more "slower" capabilities of a motherboard.
  6. to manage the peripherals, the input/output interfaces, and the slots.
  7. connect all the peripherals to each other
  8. connect input and output interface, manage peripherals and slots
  9. connect the processor with the peripherals
  10. help the processor in controlling the peripherals

Ինչ է slave-ը PC-ում?

Եթե BIOS-ը հաջողությամբ ավարտվի, ինչ կլինի?

Ստեղծել ձեր հարցաթերթըՊատասխանել այս հարցմանը