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Եթե դուք անցնում եք. Ձեր հրաժեշտի հաղորդագրությունը Օպերային

  1. :'(
  2. once original, now just copy-paste.
  3. open source presto!
  4. opera 15 is a disappointment of this year.
  5. be brave
  6. i don't want you to force me to switch! so give me hope!
  7. i guess you just sold out :(
  8. still loving you ;)
  9. we must go on! ;-)
  10. i don't need yet another chrome. opera was a unique and feature-rich browser. it's very sad. i wouldn't mind switching the engine to webkit as long as all of opera's features remain. are you considering open-sourcing the code or selling it to another company? thanks.
  11. start to think! stop to smoke!
  12. inevitable? i don't know, but it seems to be a shame. maybe it will turn out for the best. still remaining hopeful...
  13. i'm using opera as my main browser since version 5.something, and well, this just kills opera as a browser in my eyes. i mean, it was all the cool features listed above and its great integration while keeping the browser small and fast that made opera unique. without it, it's just rebranded chrome, so what's the point of using opera then? i don't know for sure which browser i'll switch to, maybe firefox with tons of varied quality extensions to make it work at least close to what i was used to, fearing that after an update some of these extensions will stop working and i'll end up with a broken browser... for me, the message from opera software seems to be pretty obvious: well, our current and loyal users, f**k you, we don't want you anymore, we're looking for a google chrome audience now. but i personally don't think that opera is in that good a position to do that...
  14. no bookmarks = no deal.
  15. it's a joke!?
  16. ; (
  17. "removing options is evil" — jon stephenson von tetzchner
  18. good night, sweet prince.
  19. i hope you can catch up in features to the old version. maybe in a year or two i could switch back.
  20. i will make sure not to buy opera embedded devices.
  21. i hope that you can add those features from opera 12 to the new opera 15. after that, i would install the new opera.
  22. such a great power browser it was, sad to see it go, hope the death of this chrome clone will be quick and painless.
  23. opera has lost its old users, but it has nothing to attract new ones.
  24. good luck.
  25. you are destroying the best browser ever created, and you will never gain more users simply because only software companies that invest heavily in marketing attract a large number of users, even with the worst products, like chrome now and firefox in the past.
  26. i'll be back.
  27. why?
  28. rest in peace.
  29. i have to switch to safari, as opera was not usable - long response times... opera 15 seems good, but currently it lacks many important features.
  30. opera developers, please give us back our lovely web browser.
  31. it's going to be tough having to replace 14 years' worth of customizations. i hope you enjoy your bankruptcy.
  32. thank you for so many years with the best web browser, but chropera doesn't have such great functionality...
  33. it's been a nice time with you all...
  34. i hope...
  35. good luck, i need to be able to import my bookmarks, want to be able to set a home page and change my default search provider to startpage. it's been a nice ride......
  36. :(
  37. it was a nice ride while it lasted.
  38. none, i doubt if they are that concerned, since they are focused on markets other than the desktop market to make money
  39. money might be nice, but keeping the main focus on it has corrupted the browser.
  40. start by bringing back full menus. stop hiding things -- at a minimum, allow me to choose to see everything you have to offer -- i.e. make the interface discoverable, not mindless.
  41. you have always been the most usable and customizable browser to me; it would be very, very sad if such a great browser were to disappear. however, i still have hope that the old opera will return (i mean the features; leaving presto behind is really sad as well, but it wouldn't be so bad if all the features stayed).
  42. please, don't do this to opera.
  43. you will not be around for long.
  44. opera was the best browser ever; it was a big mistake to skip the features that made it unique (like fully integrated mail, full customization, and the 100 more little features that made it stand out from the other browsers i never used...).
  45. i'm not hurt by you abandoning the traditional power opera user base for a more casual one, but i'm hurt that you left us with a not-so-great last classical version (12.15), that you were not at all transparent with us, that you used lies to defend yourself (popular demand to split m2? when the real reason was not rewriting presto-based code), that every move you make seems to benefit google's monetization (notes-gdocs, bookmarks-searching, custom search-google search) without a final good presto version. you could have said goodbye, but you just showed up in bed with someone else.
  46. thank you for 13 years with opera.
  47. i will really miss the best browser ever!
  48. goodbye, it was nice while it lasted.
  49. :(
  50. rest in peace
  51. why?!
  52. these 10 years had their ups and downs, but it's time to say goodbye. i really enjoyed your company.
  53. bring back the futures quick or goodbye.
  54. i love the classic opera browser, and it was like a trusted friend for many years.
  55. you will be remembered for a very good, stable, innovative internet experience.
  56. why?
  57. i do not understand why you want to create the next chrome clone. opera was so unique. there is no other browser with so many features implemented out of the box. that is why people loved opera. if someone needs a simple browser, they will get chrome. that will not change. no one will use a simpler version of opera if there is already a polished product on the market.
  58. there is no sin except stupidity.
  59. the most valuable aspects of staying with opera have been its mentality, rss reader, m2, and seemingly minor features like the view source/apply changes feature. all of these have been invaluable. losing its distinctive features is difficult to accept. it will be a frustrating experience to work with a browser that lacks the capabilities of a true opera browser.
  60. although opera has had a lot of current problems, it was the best browser with really cool features (m2, rock mouse gestures, stack pinning, and much more).
  61. http://youtu.be/ui2l1fb2-n4
  62. it's a pity!
  63. the advanced ui and full feature set are the only reasons to use opera. the released opera next 15 is a crippled chrome -- yes, crippled, as in inferior to it. i honestly can't figure out why it was released, because it's superior to no modern graphical web browser.
  64. goodbye
  65. thank you guys for the good job.
  66. why do you hate freedom?
  67. i miss your presence at opera jon, you represented a browser user that the current opera leaders do not understand :'(
  68. almost no one uses a three-wheeled car.
  69. what a waste...
  70. goodbye, sweet prince.
  71. make something as good as opera 11.6x, otherwise open-source presto and abandon the entire project altogether.
  72. \o/
  73. you almost surpassed firefox in usability. you innovated. (your tab stacking really deserves to be copied.) you were a valued alternative. now you are suiciding. you will never come back from what you are about to do. you are dead. when the chrome/firefox/safari dust clears, we will need you again, but you won't be there.
  74. it's been a fun run the last decade or so, but if you offer nothing more than what chrome already offers, what's the point?
  75. so sad to see the best browser go under... i'm going to keep an older installation of the browser around though, version 12 or so, because it's still by far better than anything else out there at that point.
  76. sad that you just don't get it, opera. r.i.p. opera.
  77. marketing has never been their strong suit, and it seems that someone's ego (or google's money) has finally dealt opera the final blow. it won't survive this change.
  78. thank you for the many years; you were the best. i owned a license and even won a christmas contest once! i plan to stay on 12 as long as possible before moving on. if you're absolutely resolute on keeping rss separate, please continue to develop the external application, though it would need to have a ton more features than the built-in for me to really bother to use (alarms, pop-ups, trash, etc.). i'll keep my ears open and check in every once in a while, but not often. please do a great job with webkit/blink.
  79. i was hoping for the best with this webkit switch, but if the features that made opera the best browser on earth aren't going to be in the new version, i don't see a reason to stay.
  80. thanks for the best browser i've had up to opera 12 and for making it easy to choose a new browser: either firefox or chrome now.
  81. you took the best browser in the world and turned it into nothing more than a skin for chromium. you similarly messed up opera mobile. i used opera because it provided advanced features that no other browser had and was also incredibly customizable. chromium does not seem like a suitable base for opera as it is designed to promote minimalism and a universal interface. i really, really hope that you open source opera 12.15 or at the very least the presto engine so that it may have a new life in the open source community, where it can be developed according to a truer opera philosophy. i am in the process of switching to firefox, but even that will never be able to offer the same level of functionality as opera.
  82. =(
  83. it shouldn't have to be like this.
  84. i've used opera as my sole browser for over half of my life, and it has done a lot for me. it's sad it's come to this, but you can't provide the features i want. it was great while it lasted. ~phil
  85. so long and thanks for all the fish.
  86. it was a nice ride. being productive while browsing the web will be so much harder from now on.
  87. if i wanted chrome/chromium, i would have been using chrome/chromium years ago. i love opera for its ui, stability, and responsiveness. what i hoped for with the move to blink was to gain the rendering/javascript speed and stable hwa & plugins. instead, opera next is showing me that there's very little that opera has left to offer anymore on the desktop compared to its competition.
  88. i really don't know why all these changes are occurring. i'm not sure what browser i'll use. i'll probably never upgrade and stay with opera 12.
  89. it's not so much that i'm leaving opera, it's that opera will have left me.
  90. don't just turn opera into a themed version of chrome.
  91. thanks for a great browser that i used for over a decade.
  92. you should have listened to your users!
  93. i thought you would be special... maybe i'll see you in a few years, let's see how things have developed by then.
  94. this is a terrible survey. however, i thank the opera development team for supporting linux so well, and consistently bringing fantastic features to the web. i don't really like 15 as it appears in next, but i respect their decision to change. good luck for the future!
  95. too bad
  96. opera with webkit as the rendering engine sounds fine. i don't want chrome with opera logos. i don't like chrome.
  97. it was fun while it lasted!
  98. i won't switch. i will continue to use opera 12.
  99. the opera company managed to destroy what was a rather unique browser. many of the built-in features were great. i must say though, some of the later presto versions have been a bit buggy, but i don't know why they just didn't take the time to fix the bugs.
  100. from a user who paid for opera many years ago, congratulations, you won't be seeing me again, and you won't be seeing opera on any of the 50+ computers i am in charge of either. furthermore, i will be dropping fastmail as soon as it becomes clear opera has become a google sap. i am so sick and tired of the us dictating policy around the world, wherever they want. i really did think opera was a company who could stand up for european users, but alas it appears opera is only too willing to fall into the google-facebook-youtube lap. next up - a backdoor in opera for the us authorities to spy on us.