Survey finding opinions on the effect of the Internet

Համալսարանի նախագծի համար

How old are you?

What is your occupation?


    How often do you use the Internet?

    Are you computer-literate? Do you think that it is important to be able to use the Internet in today's society?


      What do you use the Internet for (Pick as many reasons as you want)? i.e. Business, work, educational purposes, social media, games etc


        What do you think of Internet-based gadgets? i.e. Smartphones, tablets


          Do you use social media regularly? What is the benefit of Facebook, Blackberry Messenger etc compared to phone calls and letters?


            Do you download music, films etc off the internet? Do you use illegal or legal methods? Why - are you concerned about it's effect on the economy etc?


              How do you think the Internet will change in the future (Say 100 years)? I.e. it's uses, capability

                Ստեղծել ձեր հարցաթերթըՊատասխանել այս հարցմանը