Virtual technology for use in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) - questionnaire for experts

Dear educator,
the expected effect of the use of interactive technologies in educational institutions is, first of all, the active involvement of students in the learning process, planning by students of their own learning process and, as a result, better assimilation of educational material. 
Please share your opinion and experience of using interactive technologies in education.

Virtual technology for use in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) - questionnaire for experts
Հարցաթերթիկը հասանելի չէ

1. I work in:

Other option

  1. Õpilane

2.The course is well-structured.

2.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment

  1. Väga hea oli, oleks võinud isegi pikem olla.
  2. Kõik oli hea. Hea ülevaade.
  3. Its good
  4. A lot of educational materials well suited for universities where conventional engineering graphic and CAD courses are taught. The topics look like well structured.

3. The exercises are interesting and useful for students' development

3.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment

  1. Väga hea ülevaate andis.
  2. Kõik oli hea.
  3. I like video tutorials.
  4. The operating instructions could be shorter and more concise. Today's students don't like to read long comments.

4. The material looks attractive.

4.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment

  1. Tahaks kohe rohkem teada.
  2. Materjal oli kasulik. Palju elulisi näiteid oli. Kitsas kohad toodi välja.
  3. Friendly interface and easy to interact. May be some short introductory overview video orientation for the new teachers about the scope would be beneficial. May be there is one but I just didn't spot it in a quick tour.

5. The level of difficulty is consistent.

5.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment

    6. The material is at a level suitable for use in my organization.

    7. I will incorporate at least some of this material in my own courses.

    8. I will provide my students with links to this material as additional recommended course material.

    9. BIM is successfully integrated into the study material.

    10. Are there any topics you would omit? - please name

    1. BIM Trainings. How to create BIM.
    2. No, not at all
    3. Yes
    4. No! Why should you if it is prepared?

    11. Are there any topics you wish had been included? - please name

    1. I'm not sure at present
    2. 8
    3. Can't imagine of one at present

    12. Would you recommend this material to your colleagues? Please explain.

    1. Soovituslik. BIM i teemat on vaja.
    2. Yes
    3. Yes. It’s very knowledgeable
    4. 8
    5. Yes. I will highly recommend.

    What recommendations can you give us as we develop our course? And what should we avoid?

    1. Tere Saatke palun tunnistus üritusel osa võtmise kohta. (Esitada kavatsen Eesti Inseneride Liidu.) Lugupidamisega Olga Saar 56601272
    2. Avoid long text paragraphs - students fail to stay focused Comments on 3.1: 1. virstem/basic-engineering-graphics/3-section-of-shapes/3-1-cross-sections#h.nrddi1sbeyxj In a video it is possible to spot a limit case, and another answer should be added: "Line" 2. virstem/basic-engineering-graphics/3-section-of-shapes/3-1-cross-sections#h.v67wus8ttzh6 In a video it is possible to spot a limit case, and another answer should be added: "Point" It would be helpful for students to specify in more detail and add the question, "what kind of pyramid is the question about?" The cross-section of the "?" pyramid would be 3. virstem/basic-engineering-graphics/3-section-of-shapes/3-1-cross-sections#h.pq6loz30riv0 Another answer should also be added here: "Point" when a plane passes through the vertex. This fact is not even mentioned in all textbooks :-( 4. virstem/basic-engineering-graphics/3-section-of-shapes/3-1-cross-sections#h.gmyvkpns3rms In answer, "cutting plane hight" one word is misspelled - it should be "height" Comments on 3.2: Drawback: What if a student accidentally misspells the "Fill in the blanks" question having the correct comprehension? 3.2.1 In all videos it is possible to spot a limit case when a section shape turns into a line! Wedge: In two answers, a word "hight" is misspelled - it should be "height" Regular square base pyramid: In a video it is possible to spot a limit case, and another answer should be added: "Point" 3.2.2. Cylinder: In an answer, a word "horisontal" is misspelled - should be "horizontal" Sphere: The question "Any cross-section of the sphere is a circle. The circle diameter consists of a section plan's ...2" is a little confusing. Maybe instead of "consists" a "depends on" was meant? Maybe "plane's" instead of "plan's"? In the answer, maybe just "angle" rather than "its angle"? Test 3.1 test In the answer a word "hight" is misspelled - it should be "height" 3.2 test "The cross section of the prism at a 90 degree (to what?) angle would be" - the reference to what 90 degrees are measured? It is difficult to imagine how "a trapezoid" can be a correct answer!? 3.3 test "The cross section of a prism at a 0 degree angle (to what?) would be" - the reference to what 90 degrees are measured? The cross section of a prism at a 90 degree angle (to what?) woud be - the reference to what 90 degrees are measured? 3.8 Regarding "The cross sections of a rotating shapes would be". Shapes typically are treated as 2D. Consider using a term "solids of revolution" which are treated as 3D Consider clarifying the question "The cross sections of the solids of revolution showed in the video above would be", otherwise, it is confusing why the answer is "rings" rather than "circles" 3.10 "For drawing of the truncated cylinder axonometrical projection is needed to use" Grammarly software suggested an improved version of this question "For drawing an axonometric projection of the truncated cylinder is needed to use" "axonometric" also in several other places Modris Dobelis Apologize for the late report - we had tight deadlines for the deliverables of our own projects
    3. 8
    4. It would be useful to use more links to additional information related to e-course content.
    5. Looks good.
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