ევროვიზიის სიმღერის კონკურსში ენის გამოყენება

გგონიათ, რომ უფრო მეტი ევროვიზიის სიმღერა უნდა იყოს მშვენიერი ენებით? გთხოვთ, განმარტეთ რატომ

  1. არანაირი წინადადებები
  2. დიახ, მე მიყვარს სხვა ენები და ისინი უკეთ წარმოადგენენ კულტურას.
  3. ეს საინტერესო იქნებოდა, რადგან ეს მშვენივრად ასახავს მშვენიერი ენის ხმას. მაგრამ სხვა აზრის მიხედვით, ეს სამართლიანი არ იქნებოდა, რადგან ზოგი ენა ისე არ ჟღერს კარგად.
  4. მაინტერესებს ევროვიზია.
  5. არა, ვერ გავიგებ ამას.
  6. არანაირი პრეფერენცია
  7. დიახ, რადგან ეს ხელს უწყობს მრავალფეროვნებას და ინდივიდუალიზმს.
  8. შესაძლოა არა, რადგან ვფიქრობ, რომ ეს ღონისძიება საერთაშორისოა.
  9. yes
  10. მე ამას ვუჭერ მხარს, რადგან ეს არის ის, რაც ჩემთვის ევროვიზიაა - ევროპის სხვადასხვა კულტურებისა და ენების აღნიშვნა.
  11. დიახ, რადგან ენა ქვეყნის კულტურის დიდი ნაწილია და ის აჩვენებს მის უნიკალურობას.
  12. no
  13. დიახ, რადგან ისინი ბევრად უკეთ წარმოადგენენ ქვეყანას.
  14. მგონია, რომ ეს საჭირო არ არის, მაგრამ ეს კარგია.
  15. დიახ. ეს შოუს უფრო საინტერესო ხდის.
  16. არა, ეს უბრალოდ სიმღერაზეა დამოკიდებული, მაგალითად, ზოგი სიმღერა შეიძლება უკეთ ჟღერდეს დროის ენაზე, enquanto სხვები ინგლისურად.
  17. არა, ასე არ ვფიქრობ.
  18. არ ვიცი, ნამდვილად არ ვუყურებ იმ შოუს.
  19. დიახ, მშვენიერი ენები გააკეთებდა ევროვიზიას საინტერესო.
  20. მე ამას არ ვუყურებ.
  21. დიახ, რადგან როგორც ევროვიზიაზეა აღნიშნული, მუსიკაში უნდა იყოს გაწვდილი მათი საკუთარი ქვეყნის ელემენტი.
  22. დიახ, რადგან ეს კარგია;)
  23. არა, რადგან ეს არტისტის არჩევანია, როგორ უნდა გაავრცელოს თავისი სიმღერების მესიჯი.
  24. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song is better while in native language, yet, i don't think it's always like that. the artists and countries should always have a choice to choose what they want. sometimes song
  25. დიახ, რადგან ენა ქვეყნის იდენტობას გამოხატავს და მისი ავთენტურობის დემონსტრირებას ახდენს.
  26. დიახ, რადგან მუსიკა მუსიკაა და ის იქნება ლამაზი ინგლისურად და უფრო უნიკალური მშვენიერ ენაზე.