მენტალური ჯანმრთელობის პრობლემები: ბრიტნი სპირსის მაგალითი

ბრიტნი हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल हाल

  1. ეს არის უცოდინრობის საუბარი.
  2. მჯერა, რომ ის ალბათ უფრო სერიოზულ ფსიქიკურ ჯანმრთელობის პრობლემებს განიცდის, ვიდრე ადამიანები აცნობიერებენ, და შესაძლოა, ვერ გაუმკლავდეს მკაცრ კრიტიკას და ბულინგს, რომელიც ხშირად გვხვდება სოციალურ მედიაში. სოციალური მედია არ არის კარგი არცერთი ადამიანის ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობისთვის, მით უმეტეს იმისთვის, ვინც ამ სფეროში ჯანმრთელობისთვის იბრძვის.
  3. მე ვუსმენდი ბრიტნის სიმღერებს, მაგრამ არ ვნახე რა ხდებოდა მის პირად ცხოვრებაში.
  4. მიუღებელია პასუხის გაცემა, რადგან მე არ ვადევნებ თვალს ცნობილ ადამიანებს და არ მაინტერესებს ისინი)
  5. ეს მისი ცხოვრებაა.
  6. მგონია, რომ ასეთი მასშტაბის ვარსკვლავები უნდა იყვნენ მზად იმ ფაქტისთვის, რომ შეუძლებელია ყველას მიერ სიყვარულით იყოს აღიარებული, და რადგან საზოგადოებაში გადიხარ, უნდა იყო მზად კრიტიკისთვის და ზოგჯერ თუნდაც შეურაცხყოფისთვის.
  7. არ მაინტერესებს ეს.
  8. ის ავად არის, ღმერთო, დაეხმარე მას.
  9. მგონია, რომ ბრიტნიმ სერიოზული დახმარება და მხარდაჭერა უნდა მშობლებისგან, რადგან მათ არასდროს არ დაეხმარათ, ეს triste :(
  10. მგონია, რომ ეს შეიძლება მართალი იყოს, რადგან მას ჰქონდა პრობლემები ფანებთან და ალბათ მისი პირადი ცხოვრება არეული იყო.
  11. პოპულარობა დიდ გავლენას ახდენს ადამიანის ცხოვრებაზე. საზოგადოებრივი აზრის არაპატივისცემისთვის ნამდვილად დიდი თვითშეფასება უნდა გქონდეს, უნდა აფასებდე საკუთარ თავს და უნდა გიყვარდეს საკუთარი თავი.
  12. მგონია, რომ ის არ არის ტიპიური ადამიანი, ამიტომ მან აბსოლუტურად სხვა ცხოვრება შექმნა და ჩვენგან არავინ არასოდეს გაიგებს მის აზრებსა და გრძნობებზე. ჩემი აზრით, თუ ეს მისი პოსტები და წერილებია, ეს ნორმალურია, მას აქვს უფლება, გამოაქვეყნოს რაც სურს და ადამიანები, რომლებიც დაინტერესებულნი არიან მის პიროვნებასთან, წაიკითხავენ, იფიქრებენ და კომენტარებს გააკეთებენ. მაგრამ თუ მისი პროფილის პოსტები არ არის დაწერილი მის მიერ, არ ვიცი, ეს უბრალოდ ვიღაცის რეკლამაა.
  13. თუ თქვენ თქვენი ცხოვრება სოციალური მედიის საშუალებით თარგმნით, უნდა იყოთ მზად ასეთი კომენტარების, გამოხმაურებების და ა.შ.თვის.
  14. nothing
  15. ყველა ადამიანს აქვს თავისი უნიკალური ცხოვრების წესი და ეს ნორმალურია.
  16. მგონია, რომ ის ცოცხალი არ არის.
  17. მას არ ჰქონდა მხარდაჭერა საყვარელი ადამიანებისგან. ყველას სურდა მისი პოპულარობის გამოყენება, ის შიგნიდან დაინგრა. ძალიან მწყდება გული მის გამო.
  18. მგონია, რომ ის დამოკიდებულია თავის ფანებზე. რომ ცივილურად იფიქროს და არ დაექვემდებაროს ემოციებს, კრიტიკას, შეურაცხყოფებს, უნდა დაიწყოს მეცნიერების და ფილოსოფიის საფუძვლების შესწავლა. კარგია, რომ ლოგიკის გამოყენება იცოდეს (ლოგიკა არის მეცნიერების განყოფილება, უფრო ზუსტად კი მათემატიკის განყოფილება). კიდევ უნდა ისწავლოს კრიტიკული აზროვნება, მინიმუმ რენე დეკარტის ნაშრომები უნდა წაიკითხოს, საბედნიეროდ, წიგნი 30 გვერდისაა. მარტივად რომ ვთქვათ, უნდა იმუშაოს საკუთარ თავზე, რაც ხანგრძლივი და რთული გზაა, მაგრამ საბოლოოდ ეს სრულიად ღირს.
  19. არ მაინტერესებს
  20. bad
  21. მგონია, რომ ფანებს ამის გამო არ უნდა შეეშინდეთ. რადგან სოციალური მედია თქვენი საკუთარი ცხოვრებაა და შეგიძლიათ გააკეთოთ მასთან რაც გსურთ.
  22. მართლა არ ვიცი ბოლო სიახლეები ბრიტნი სპირსზე, მაგრამ ვფიქრობ, რომ ყოველი ადამიანი, პირველ რიგში, უნდა მოაგვაროს თავისი პრობლემები საკუთარი თავისთვის. თუ ეს არ გამოდის, უნდა გაუზიაროს ეს ახლობლებს/მეგობრებს. თუ ესეც არ ეხმარება, უნდა წავიდეს სამედიცინო ცენტრში, ვგულისხმობ ფსიქოლოგთან ;)
  23. პოპულარობა არ არის კარგი
  24. მხოლოდ კარგზე ვფიქრობ.
  25. neutral
  26. ისიც ადამიანი არის. ჩვენ ვერ ვწვდით, რა მოხდება ხვალ ჩვენთან. ამიტომ, ვფიქრობ, არ არის ნორმალური, რომ მისი საკუთარი აუდიტორია მას "გიჟს" უწოდებს.
  27. მაინც არ მაინტერესებს. ყველას თავისი ცხოვრება აქვს. ყველას თავისი გადაწყვეტილება აქვს.
  28. არ ვფიქრობ ამის შესახებ.
  29. sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is stupid, because we should be more tolerant and kinder to each other. support people around the world! sometimes people don't realize how much harm they are doing to people by saying things without thinking it through. this is
  30. მგონია, რომ მას სიტუაციის გასარკვევად თავის აუდიტორთან დაკავშირება უნდა.
  31. ჩვენი თაობა ძალიან მსჯელობითია.
  32. i don't know.
  33. მგონია, რომ ეს მისი პირადი პრობლემებია და ჩვენ არ უნდა ჩავერიოთ.