ონლაინ შოპინგის კალათის (კორბის) მიტოვების სპეციფიკა

გთხოვთ, დაასახელოთ სხვა მიზეზები, რომლებიც თქვენთვის მნიშვნელოვანია ონლაინ შოპინგის კალათის მიტოვების შესახებ

  1. sometimes i wait for better offers or deals - ზოგჯერ უკეთესი შეთავაზებების ან გარიგებების მოლოდინში ვარ.
  2. na
  3. ფასების შედარება
  4. არა, არ მაქვს სხვა კონკრეტული მიზეზი ონლაინ შოპინგის კალათის მიტოვებისთვის.
  5. no
  6. კრედიტის ბარათის დეტალები შეიძლება შენახული იყოს და შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს დიდი თანხის დაკლება ჩემი ცოდნის გარეშე.
  7. no idea
  8. ბევრი ადამიანი ხშირად ამოწმებს ფასებს და ამატებს პროდუქტებს კალათში, მაგრამ მოგვიანებით აზრს იცვლის და ყიდვის გეგმას აუქმებს.
  9. თქვენ არაფერი გაქვთ სათქმელი.
  10. მარტივი შოპინგი
  11. none
  12. მიუხედავად მოულოდნელი ინტერესის დაკარგვა
  13. ფასების შემცირებას ველით
  14. none
  15. na
  16. „გთხოვთ შეაფასოთ შემდეგი“ კითხვას, როგორც ჩანს, ვარაუდობს, რომ მე ვიცნობ ყველა იმ ონლაინ მაღაზიას.
  17. მძიმეა გადაზიდვისა და მიწოდების ფასის ინფორმაციის პოვნა
  18. მინდა ყველაფერი, მაგრამ გაწვდილი ვარ.
  19. არ ვიცი, ნამდვილად მინდა თუ არა ეს ნივთი, ამიტომ მას იქ ვტოვებ, სანამ გადაწყვეტილებას არ მივიღებ.
  20. ეს უბრალოდ მარტივია, დახუროთ თქვენი ფანჯარა და გადახვიდეთ შემდეგ გვერდზე.
  21. ეს უბრალოდ მარტივია, რომ დახუროთ თქვენი ტაბი და პროდუქტი არ იყიდოთ, პლუს ფოტოები არ არის ისეთი კარგი, როგორც თქვენ გაქვთ შანსი.
  22. მხარდაჭერის ქულების ფასდაკლებისთვის
  23. na
  24. მსგავსად სურვილების სიას, მე გამოვიყენე ეს იმისთვის, რომ აღვწერო რამდენი მჭირდება ჩემს ბიუჯეტში ტანსაცმელზე ხარჯვისთვის.
  25. ეს უბრალოდ დროა, რომ ვიფიქრო.
  26. no
  27. შეთავაზეთ უფასო მიწოდება, მოაშორეთ დამალული გადასახადები.
  28. მეორე მაღაზიაში იგივე პროდუქტის უფრო იაფად ნახვა
  29. მე მხოლოდ მაშინ ვტოვებ პროდუქტებს შოპინგის კალათში, როდესაც ონლაინ მაღაზიებს არ აქვთ სურვილების სია ვებსაიტებზე.
  30. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just leave it and not purchase it. sometimes i change my mind about the product, also sometimes i just add the product in the shopping basket to check the full price including the delivery and vat and if i am not happy with the amount i would just
  31. na
  32. no
  33. პროდუქტის შესახებ აზრი შეიცვალა. საერთო თანხა გამოთვლილი.