ხელნაკეთი პროდუქტის კულტურის გავლენა ჰონგ კონგში

ეს გამოკითხვა მიზნად ისახავს იმის გამოკვლევას, თუ რამდენად მიაწვდოს ჰონგ კონგის მთავრობამ საკმარისი მხარდაჭერა ხელნაკეთი ბაზრისთვის. თქვენი ღირებული აზრი აუცილებელია და იქნებოდა სასიამოვნო, რომ რამდენიმე წუთი დაუთმოთ კითხვარის შევსებას. შეგროვებული მონაცემები მხოლოდ აკადემიური მიზნებისთვის იქნება გამოყენებული და კონფიდენციალურად შენახული.

იმ კითხვებზე, რომლებიც "#"-ით არის აღნიშნული, შეიძლება რამდენიმე პასუხი აირჩიოთ.

1. სქესი

2. ასაკი

3. პროფესია


  1. სახლში მომუშავე
  2. მსახური ქალი
  3. სახლში მომუშავე
  4. უშრომელი
  5. student
  6. იურიდიული სტუდენტი
  7. student
  8. student
  9. student
  10. student

4. მონაწილეობდით თუ არა რაიმე აქტივობაში, რომელიც დაკავშირებულია ხელნაკეთი კულტურასთან?

# 5. რა აქტივობებში მონაწილეობდით?


  1. მონაწილეობდა ხელნაკეთობების საქმიანობაში სკოლაში

# 6. რა არხების საშუალებით გაწვდეთ/გასწავლეთ აქტივობები?


  1. ტელევიზია
  2. წიგნებიდან ისწავლე

7. ფიქრობთ, რომ ჰონგ კონგში ხელნაკეთი კულტურის მხარდაჭერა საკმარისია?

8. რომელი ქვეყანა საუკეთესოდ ვითარდება ხელნაკეთი კულტურის განვითარებაში?


  1. ირლანდია და შოტლანდია

9. უნდა გააკეთოს ჰონგ კონგის მთავრობამ მეტი ძალისხმევა ხელნაკეთი კულტურის განვითარებაში?

# 10. მიზეზები არიან:


  1. მდგრადი განვითარებისათვის, გარემოსა და ეკონომიკური საკითხების გარდა, სოციალური საკითხებიც ძალიან მნიშვნელოვანია.

# 11. მიზეზები არიან:

# 12. როგორ შეიძლება ხელნაკეთი კულტურის პოპულარიზაცია?


  1. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage 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products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage people in using the natural products(hand made products) and protecting our environment. encourage
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