Çanda Çalışmaları: STAR TREK

Formulêr di çarçoveya karê zanistî ya xwendekarên perwerdehiya medyayê li zanîngeha Otto-von-Guericke ya Magdeburgê.


Spas ji bo beşdariya te.

Tu çend salî yî?

  1. A
  2. 15
  3. 30
  4. 45 years
  5. 36
  6. 42
  7. 8wsjda
  8. 27
  9. 26
  10. 28

Ji kerema xwe cinsê xwe nîşan bide.

Ger tu xwendekarî, tu kîjan zanîngehê tê xwendin?

  1. mathematics
  2. human medicine
  3. german studies, english studies, acting - all completed.
  4. wkibc
  5. languages, management, and technology
  6. mechanical engineering
  7. kowi
  8. -
  9. mechatronics
  10. german studies

Tu xwe wekî "fan" ya Star Trek têgihîştinê?

Tu Star Trek wekî (x) hobi têgihîştinê?

Tu dibêjî ku tu ji bo Star Trek hevsengî?

Tu çend demê ji bo şîroveya giştî ya Star Trek veqetî?

Tu di çend salan de dest pê kir ku bi Star Trek re şîrove bikin?

  1. 14
  2. 10
  3. at just under four years old
  4. 15
  5. 6
  6. qahta
  7. at 14 years old
  8. 5
  9. 6
  10. 28

Tu dibêjî ku Star Trek serdana te ya civakî kir, yani di nav de jî, ku tu kî yî?

Tu çawa tu serdana Star Trek li ser şexsiyeta xwe têgihîştinê?

Ma Star Trek dikare serdana karê/zanîngehê te bike?

Tu di kîjan awayê Star Trek beşdarî dikin?

Tu çawa Star Trek li ser bingehên teknîkî têgihîştinê?

  1. mediocre, except for the communicators and video calls.
  2. huhu alcubierre, if only it weren't for the negative energy density... otherwise, some of it is probably quite made up.
  3. driving force for technological innovations
  4. over the years, the connection to reality has increased somewhat; many things are actually now in testing.
  5. in some ways, reality has already surpassed star trek - which is also due to the fact that star trek inspires technology and science. other things are still far-off future music.
  6. eczopc
  7. very close
  8. although far away, some of the technologies are already being invented today or were inspired by st (e.g., laptop).
  9. in some areas, today's technology has surpassed star trek (communication...), while in others, there is still no prospect of ever reaching star trek.
  10. i can't judge.

Tu çawa Star Trek li ser bingehên civakî têgihîştinê?

  1. not at all, the depicted humanity is far too utopian, the tolerance of non-aliens is naive
  2. well... a lot is desirable, but there's still a long way to go... but discourse ethics a la picard for the win.
  3. unfortunately still too far away.
  4. at most to a certain extent, if at all, unfortunately our reality is still very far from the star trek utopia of a united humanity.
  5. community. there is still much to achieve (keyword: tolerance, equality, etc.).
  6. uvdq2q
  7. still far too far away - unfortunately!
  8. as a role model
  9. very far away. society seems to be regressing at the moment.
  10. not so far away, if i scale it down to a planet and take the eu, for example, as a federation.

Kîjan tiştên jêrîn li ser astengê naverokê/şêwazê ji bo Star Trek girîng in?

Tu çawa tiştên ku wekî "(gelek) girîng" têgihîştinê li ser her serîyê têne?

Tu çawa serîyên û fîlmên Star Trek hez dikin?

Ma tu dizanî sitcom "Teorîya Big Bang" çi ye?

Ger erê, tu ew dîtî?

Tu çawa nîşandina fanên Star Trek yên li wir têgihîştinê?

Ma tu difikirî ku naverokên Star Trek di "Teorîya Big Bang" de rast têne nîşandan?

Ma tu lîstikên videoyê Star Trek lîstik dikin? Ger erê, kîjan?

  1. no
  2. star trek online
  3. no
  4. i don't play any video games at all.
  5. wjgdei
  6. no
  7. birth of federation
  8. bridge commander, elite force
  9. no.
  10. star trek online

Tu çend caran ev lîstikên lîstik dikin?

Tu lîstikên single an multiplayer hez dikin?

Tu çend caran lîstikên videoyê ku Star Trek ne, lîstik dikin?

Ankêtê xwe çêkinBersivê vê formê bidin