Çawa recession ser xercê te li ser cilên moda tesîr kiriye?

Tu çend salî yî?

Çi awayê karê te ye?

Çi qas ewle yî li karê xwe?

Çi awayê jiyanê te ye?

Li kîjan cihê te zêdetir cil digirî?

Çi tiştî girîng e ji bo te dema ku li vê dikanan firotin?

Çend caran tu cilên nû digirî?

Çawa guherîna ku recession hat?

Tu kartê dikanê heye? Tu difikirî ku ew te zêdetir xerc dike ji taybetmendiyên din?

  1. sometimes ..as we receive a discount
  2. yes
  3. no. i don't have a store card.
  4. no. i don't have.
  5. no
  6. no. having a card increases our unwanted shopping of many things.
  7. no, maybe we spent more by buying unwanted things if we have a store card.
  8. sí, no lo creo.
  9. no
  10. no

Çawa tu difikirî ku recession ser xercê te li ser cilên xwe tesîr kiriye?

Di çend gotinên kurt de dikanê cilên xwe ya xeyalî nîşan bidin.

  1. local shops
  2. more collections, good design, good quality.
  3. it should be both stylish and comfortable.
  4. an ideal clothing store must have both the quality and the great look/design of the clothes in parallel.
  5. quality and design
  6. top shop is my favorite clothing store because they offer a good selection as well as maximum discounts.
  7. new look--good collection and reasonable prices make the shop my choice.
  8. must have a variety of clothes in proper sizes and good service with an av trial room.
  9. it has a wide range of clothes at cheap rates.
  10. good collection of clothes
Ankêtê xwe çêbikinBersivê vê formê bidin