Şaxê Çarem

Li ser çend pirsên kurt bersiv bidin ku çawa hîs dikin ku li ser Kongre agah in, û heke hûn dixwazin zêdetir agah bûn.

Şaxê Çarem

Hûn hîs dikin ku li ser çi tê dema Kongre agah in?

Heke na, çima na?

Sebebê xwe binivîse

  1. i'm not american.
  2. what they say is just a rehearsal and a nice pretense against what is happening in the background and how it is very connected to the global collapse of the system, ha.
  3. no easy access to information.
  4. mainstream media does not cover
  5. not enough opportunities.
  6. too many sources, not sure where to go for an unbiased overview of what is really happening in congress. time restrictions would also apply, and complicated language may be difficult for those who do not understand all the political terms being used.

Hûn çawa agah dikin li ser çi tê dema kongre?

Hûn dixwazin zêdetir bi hukûmeta federal xwe re têkildar bûn?

Hûn dixwazin zêdetir bi hukûmeta dewletê xwe re têkildar bûn?

Hûn dixwazin zêdetir bi hukûmeta komelê xwe re têkildar bûn?

Ankêtê xwe çêbikinBersivê vê formê bidin