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بەرهەمی پەیوەندیدانی پەیوەندیدانی کەشوهەوا لە کەنارییەکان
سڵاو! من خوێندنی بەڕێوەبردنی بەرەوپێشەوەی پەیوەندیدانی کەشوهەوا لە کەنارییەکان نووسینم. من تۆ هەڵبژاردووە کە بەرزەوەند و دەمەوێت بزانم ڕووتی تۆ لەسەر پوتنسیالی کەنارییەکان بۆ بەرزەوەندانی پەیوەندیدانی کەشوهەوا چەندە. ئەم زانیارییە تەنها بۆ ئەم توێژینەوەیە بەکار دەهێنرێت. زانیارییەکانت پێویستە بۆ نیشانی پەیوەندیدانی تۆ. ئەمە پەنج ڕووتی فەرمیە. ڕووتی تۆ زۆر گرنگە و بەرزەوەندانی زۆر بەرز دەکات بۆ توێژینەوەی من (بۆ ئیشکراوی بەرزەوەندانی کەنارییەکان هەروەها :) سوپاس بۆ کاتت!
1. پەروفایل: ناو و ناوی خانووەند
teresio monfermoso
1.1. شێوەی کارەکەت بەرز بکەوە (کۆمپانیا، بەرزەوەند، چەندین چالاکی)
now i'm working a part-time job online.
president of the san giuseppe onlus association
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
1.2. فەرمی خوێندنی تۆ (پەیوەندیدانی پەیوەندیدانی، زانکۆ)
high school
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2. نیشانی کەنارییەکان: چ کەسایەتیەکانە بەرزەوەندانی کەنارییەکان بۆ بەرزەوەندانی پەیوەندیدانی کەشوهەوا*؟
i wouldn't know the advantages of the climate.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.1. What are the main problems and disadvantages that trouble the development of Venture Capital Industry in Canary Islands?
could be political issues
i don't know.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.2. What are the political efforts to develop investment culture and Venture Capital industry in Canary Islands?
do not know
i don't know.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.3. State, in your opinion, the main important tools of Special tax regime (REF) in Canary Islands that can stimulate the development of Venture Capital Industry?
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.4. Why don’t the entrepreneurs take advantage of RIC*? What are the problems of low investment culture here in Canaries?
maybe they want something.
i am not aware.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.5. What are the social issues that don’t let to take advantage of RIC and influence low culture of investment?
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.6. In your opinion, from which areas of investments RIC can benefit most? To which areas money should be invested?
the other side
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.7. How do you evaluate the technological potential of Canary Islands?
if education is present, people will try to understand and all that.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
2.8. Do you think Canary Islands have enough human resources (experts) in high technology sector? Do the universities give them enough knowledge?
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
3. Venture Capital Industry in Canary Islands: In your opinion what do Canary Islands need in order to build Venture Capital Industry here?
is mandatory
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
3.1. How to stimulate investment culture here?
i do not really know exactly.
advertise and keep taxes low.
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
3.2. State your opinion, how to generate high technology projects, innovative business ideas here in Canary Islands?
you sir/madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
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