پرسشنامه بۆ فەرمیسەی ئیشکراوی ISM - کۆپی

دەتەوینین بزانین ڕایەکەت لەسەر خوێندنت و کاتی خۆت لە لیتوانیا.

Encama ankêt giştî amade ye


کە کەرتی چ کەرتی خوێندنی تۆ بوو؟

How did you hear about our program?

Since first applying, did student exchange fulfill your initial goals and motivations?

What were the main challenges of your exchange experience?

What were the biggest cultural differences?

Was it difficult to communicate with natives?

If yes, why?

Have you made any Lithuanian friends?

Did you have enough after studies activities organized by university?

Which ISM events were the most memorable for you?

Did you feel safe at the university?

Outline any cultural ‘musts’ or tips for future outgoing students to this university.

What was the workload?

Was the style of teaching appropriate for you?

If no, what you would like to change?

Did you do much traveling in the area?

Comment the most memorable trip:

How would you rate your living costs abroad?

Approximately what was the cost of your travel overseas?

Did you spend more or less than you expected?

What financial tips do you have for future exchange students?

Overall, give us comments where we should improve: