پیشکشەی فەرمی پەروەردەی پاش فەرەنگ (بۆ خوێندکاران)

Do you believe that you will have to retrain during your working life? Please, explain.

  1. ne
  2. maybe because i don't know if i'll like it.
  3. no
  4. no, because i'm confident in my chosen profession.
  5. no, because i will choose wisely.
  6. no, it won't be necessary.
  7. yes, because i still don't know my life direction, how i will like my job, and maybe i will retrain a few times until i find the job that is right for me.
  8. yes, to remember everything again.
  9. no
  10. no, i don't.
  11. yes, i won't remember everything.
  12. i think i will find a job that already exists and will not be taken over by future jobs.
  13. yes.
  14. yes.
  15. i don’t think so, because i believe i need to finish my studies before working.
  16. i don’t think so, because first i need to finish my studies before i start working.
  17. i don't think so.
  18. yes
  19. yes.
  20. yes, because i might not have enough money.
  21. yes, because i wouldn't have the budget.
  22. i don’t know because i don’t really know what’s going to happen in the future.
  23. i suppose not.
  24. no
  25. no, because no one knows what i will work on.
  26. maybe
  27. i think so, because things are getting better.
  28. i don't know because i haven't worked before.
  29. i like challenges, learning new things, so retraining might be very possible.
  30. yes, working life is often different from life in school.
  31. maybe in specific things that the job will require.
  32. yes, because different employers might have different ways of doing the work.
  33. i don't believe i will have to retrain, but i do think i'll have to learn more things during my work life.
  34. yes, each job has its own individual working arrangements, so you need to adapt.
  35. -
  36. yes, depending on whether you switch jobs or if policies are updated and you need new qualifications - if i understand this question correctly.
  37. no, if you are doing the job every day for the rest of your life, you should remember it.
  38. if i work in the film industry, i feel that retraining might be relevant if i need to take on different tasks in which i haven't had much experience, but that would still require the skills i have acquired.
  39. no
  40. no
  41. no
  42. yes
  43. probably not, because what you learn mostly you keep, but you can be retrained anytime.
  44. yes, i do. i think that way because everyone has to improve constantly; in comparison to working life, retraining is inevitable.
  45. yes, every workplace has its own unique caveats that can only be mastered through experience.
  46. yes, because every job has its own specifics and work ethics.
  47. -
  48. yes. it is necessary to remain competitive.
  49. yes, pedagogy is the field that does not ensure a financially stable life.
  50. i think anything can happen, and i'll just look the other way.
  51. i work in a different field than i study, so i have to study extra.