پەیوەندیدانی رەخنەی کڕیار

بەڕێز کڕیار،

دەتوانین سوپاس بەرز بۆ هاوکاریتان لە ساڵی 2015 و هیوای ئەوەی ئەم ساڵەی 2016 زۆر باشتر بێت.

دەتوانین پەیوەندیدانی رەخنەی کڕیار پڕ بکەین بۆ ئەوەی پەیوەندیدانی رەخنەی کڕیار پڕ بکەین. دەتوانین ئەوەی بەرز بکەین کە چەند خولەکی قیمەتی کاتت بەرز بێت و زۆر کڕونەی بەرز بێت :)

تیمە ناردنی ویندێکس

ناوی کۆمپانیای تۆ

  1. cursor
  2. ibm
  3. laurynas

ژمارەی کارمەندان

کۆمپانیای تۆ ........ (دەتوانی چەندەک هەڵبژێری)

بەرهەمی تر

> 5 ملیۆن یۆر


  1. only windows and doors

PVC windows/doors share in total sales

> 80 %%

What PVC turnover trend do you plan for year 2016?

What is the main reason you sell PVC windows/doors?

  1. the more sales

Who are your clients? (you can choose few)

Do you agree with following statements?

Where do your customers install PVC windows/doors? (you can choose few)

Does your company provide PVC windows/doors installation service?

Would you be interested in installation services from WINDEX?

What other PVC manufacturers/wholesalers have you been considering (or working with now) besides WINDEX?

  1. no

What are the key factors for your decision to work with WINDEX? (you can choose few)

What share from your overall PVC windows/doors volume you are buying from WINDEX?

How would you position WINDEX comparing to other PVC windows/doors suppliers?

What additional products/services you would be interested in? (you can choose few)

Would you be interested to get free Winkhaus calculation software for presenting your customers with fast quotations?

Could P-marked (www.sp.se) PVC windows/doors be a trigger for significant increment of your sales?

Would you recommend WINDEX to others?

Please name the main competitors (local producers, local importers, Polish exporters etc.) you face when selling PVC windows/doors in your market

    What are the areas/processes WINDEX could improve?

    1. more availability
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