Nominees for Best Awards List - AGT5-2014/15

Ev vote-yek e bo hilbijartina BEST PERSON di kategoriyên jêrîn de:

Ji kerema xwe bi RASTÎ vote bikin çimkî hûn RASTEN difikirin ku ew/ew ji bo xwe karêk baş kir.


Nominees for Best Awards List - AGT5-2014/15
Encama ankêt giştî amade ye

My Best Actor/Actress is: (you may choose more than one) ✪

My Best Actor/Actress is: (you may choose more than one)

My Best OTHER ROLE in the Project is: (you may choose more than one) ✪

The number after the name refers to the Project Number - see other survey for full video
My Best OTHER ROLE in the Project is: (you may choose more than one)