Anketa Silent Dance Swing


Em xwendekarên bernameya mastera Komunikasyona Grafîk û Interaktîf in.


Li ser yek tişt em xizmeta - rêveberiya bûyerên dansê yên taybet (cins: salsa, swing û tango) li derve, di bêdengî de pêk tînin. Erê, rast gotin! Ji ber vê yekê, wekî beşdarê şevê swing hûn headsetên bêkablî û bi rahetî yên in-ear wergirtin û hûn heman muzîkê wekî hemû dansvan din dibînin. Dans dikare li derve, li her cih (li xwezayê, li parkê şehêr...).



Em hewl dikin ku fikrê we li ser vê bûyera bibînin!


Tîpa temenê:

Ma li herêma we de bûyerên dansê kêm in?

Ma hûn beşdarî bûyera dansê bibin ku ji bo çevreya xwe bêdeng e, hûn - wekî beşdar - bi hevalên dansê muzîkê bi headsetên rahet, bêkablî, bibînin? Bûyer dikare li derve, li her cih pêk bîne?

Di kîjan awayê de hûn vê bûyera hewl dikin? (1 – ez ne hewl dikin, 5 – ez gelek hewl dikin)

Ger du bûyerên dansê bi muzîka we yên xweş hebe, yek li derve, li her cih û yê din di navbera xwe de, mînak, di salona de, kîjan bûyerê hûn zêdetir hewl dikin?

Çend diravê herî zêde hûn êdî ji bo beşdariyê li bûyera (di nav de hûn headsetê, fursêtê firotina vexwarinê, danûstendina kursî, mase û ronakbîr, atmosferê xweş û muzîka baş) bidin?

Ji kerema xwe hin şîroveyan li ser vê bûyera bide. Kîjan çewtiyan hene li vê bûyera? Çi hûnê dikin? Çi hûnê xweş dikin?

  1. na
  2. there is a disconnection in the surroundings, which the dancers understand but do not hear, what we dancers hear. also, the possibility of conversation that happens at dance events on and around the dance floor, even if it's just a few words, is, in my opinion, essential for mutual communication, relaxation, and connection among dancers. i would definitely be interested in a silent dance event and would go to check it out, to try it, but i think mainly out of curiosity. however, i am not sure that the idea of experiencing music individually, which actually connects and unites us all, would attract me in the long run.
  3. the additional dimension when dancing outdoors is the audience, which co-creates the event with the dancers, giving it extra energy, purpose, and story. this all develops dance culture, motivation among spectators and dancers. this has been confirmed in the last 10 years in swing and tango. if the audience cannot hear the music, the mentioned scene cannot be created. similarly, headphones hinder communication between partners during the dance, between two songs, etc.
  4. it depends on the weather. good organization is very important.
  5. if there is no dance floor, then it can't be nearly as good outside as it is on the dance floor. such an event would only interest me once for a one-time experience and then not again. my ears hurt from in-ear headphones. i am indeed introverted, but i believe i can't really disturb too much with dancing.
  6. if i had simple ears (otherwise, how could i communicate with dance partners and other people), participating in such an event would really be something special. it would be worth trying once, but i wouldn't be interested in more.
  7. everything is "thinking out of the box." a shortcoming - usually even non-dancers follow the event (even if only randomly for a few minutes). from my perspective, as an observer, i would like to hear the music that is danced to. well, i also enjoy doing this as a dancer. often, i just sit and watch the dancers' reactions to the same moments in the music. everyone reacts differently. this is how i learn and grow.
  8. good idea. when will the first event be?
  9. interesting idea. for a good swing dance, good music and a good floor (for smooth sliding) are needed. i think it's good that everyone can decide how loud they will listen. however, i don't know what it would be like when you can't hear your dance partner.
  10. distraction: headphones in your ears! you can't hear the music!
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