Dear Participant

Please use this page to register your Architect Got Talent Project.

- Only 1 person should fill this form from the group.

- Max 10 per group.

- Must specify which building and which event or character you will study

When you supply your contact information, you will receive a message with your project registration number to be used in future modifications.

30 April 2018 Midnight this page will disappear!

Encama ankêt tenê ji bo nivîskarê ankêtê amade ye

Your Name (Only 1 person from the group should fill this form) ✪

Your ID ✪

Your Mobile Number ✪

Your Messenger Account ✪

Your Project Title in English ✪

Your Project Title in Arabic ✪

Chosen Event or Character: The character or historical event around which the project revolves

Chosen Monument: The architectural feature around which the story revolves

Main Idea ✪

Team Member 1 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 2 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 3 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 4 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 5 - Name, id, Role (use comma) ✪

Team Member 6 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 7 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 8 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 9 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Team Member 10 - Name, id, Role (use comma)

Are you using outside help? Who and in what? ✪

I promise to submit my project online on time, to conduct this competition without cheating in work or in votes or any other unethical practice. If I am found to violate this I accept to be punished accordingly. ✪