BetOnAd patrauklumas

Ev pirsîng ji bo çêkirina hilberê ye ku tu hez dikî!

Ma hûn bi portalên kêmkirinê wek, Groupon û hwd. têkildar bûn?

  1. 80a0cn
  2. heaven
  3. yes
  4. i'm not using it, but in an exceptional case, i could.

Ma hûn dikarin bi 5 gotinên ku BetOnAd çi feydeyê dide, şirove bikin?

  1. hezbyu
  2. not really
  3. not very clear. purchasing a service with a gaming element.
  4. gives discounts for staring at advertisements

Ma hûn 5 deqîqe ji bo BetOnAd her rojê destnîşan dikin? Ger na, çima na?

  1. vvkxix
  2. no, i don't believe in advertising :)
  3. no, but games are not relevant. (but still let it go, because 'customers don't know what they want until we've shown them' steve jobs)
  4. most likely not. i don't like advertisements, i don't really have time for lotteries or games, just like i don't have time to chase after sales or discounts (they are usually for unnecessary things with inflated prices).

Kîjan cihê BetOnAd ji bo we zêdetir neheq e?

  1. 5masmv
  2. it seems a bit overloaded. the design is not clear.
  3. complexity should be as simple as 2x2 for the end user. you can have a complex back-end on your side.
  4. the idea of the party: it does not seem to create positive added value for society.

Ji bo we kîjan tişt zêdetir girîng e, oyunên baş an jî nirxê pêşniyar?

  1. pdep5
  2. i see you.
  3. "see you later"
  4. probably the value of the prizes. not in general, but do i really need it.

Di raye we de, ma oyunên baş çarêkê baş e?

  1. 8pbk8
  2. in my opinion, this is a wonderful way to kill time :) (there are better ways to relax)
  3. yes
  4. probably. depends on what else.

Ma hûn BetOnAd çawa qîmet dikin?

Ma hûn dikarin pêşniyarek bidin ku em çi dikarin baştir bikin?

  1. [email protected]
  2. somehow express the emotion better through the design, because right now it doesn't look very good :(
  3. simplify
  4. the idea from the presentation is not clear enough.
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