Dialekta Scouse

Armanca vê forma ye ku dialekta Liverpool (Scouse) wekî nîşana nasnameya herêmî analiz bike

Cinsiyeta te:

Çend salî yî?

Çi karê te ye?

  1. employed
  2. software engineer
  3. s
  4. student
  5. student
  6. college
  7. student
  8. student
  9. student
  10. the student

Çend sal e ku tu li Liverpool dijî?

  1. no
  2. 1
  3. a
  4. 8 years
  5. for 8 years
  6. 18 años (¡toda mi vida!)
  7. 16 years
  8. 16 years
  9. all my life
  10. all my life

Heke tu niha li Liverpool nadijî, çend sal tu li wir dijî berî ku tu vegerî?

  1. never
  2. a
  3. 8 years
  4. 4 years
  5. 13
  6. 22 years
  7. 10 years
  8. n/a
  9. forever >:@
  10. 20 years

Tu xwe Scouser dipêjî?

Tu bi xwe re Scouser bîranîyê dike?

Tu bi taybetî çi tiştê xwe re bîranîyê dike?

  1. yes
  2. i support the greatest football club in the world.
  3. football club and the accent
  4. our strong sense of identity, community, and loyalty. the fact that if some tragedy happens, we unite as one in support. i think that's pretty unique. plus, our sarcastic sense of self-deprecating humor makes liverpool a warm, fun place to live.
  5. my family and the people around me
  6. my family and the people around me
  7. the way we all stick together, and if anyone messes with us, we will smash their head in.
  8. being unique and we have humor and the people
  9. everything
  10. i am proud to be a scouser because when i was a young woman, many pop groups in the top 20 were from liverpool. liverpool was buzzing.

Tu razî yî, ku klûba futbola Liverpool û The Beatles Liverpool naskirin?

  1. no
  2. yes
  3. yes yes yes yes
  4. yeahhh!!!!! totally
  5. there
  6. in this century, we were a major port before that.
  7. very much so yes
  8. very much so yes
  9. yes but not just them
  10. a little

Tu di cîhê fermî de dialekta Scouse diaxivin?

Tu çi tîmê futbola piştgirî dikin?

  1. none
  2. yes
  3. liverpool fc
  4. liverpool fc
  5. liverpool
  6. none
  7. liverpool and everton
  8. liverpool is dead!!
  9. everton
  10. everton

Heke tu na, ji kerema xwe alîkarî bike çima?

  1. a
  2. i don't like football!
  3. woman who does not like football
  4. in my experience, you do get a lot more respect if you use your best telephone voice!
  5. no.
  6. i just speak; my accent is not strong these days, but i still use dialect.
  7. people sometimes find it difficult to understand.
  8. when you are talking to the director of your company, what needs to come out of your mouth is... good morning director... not... alright, how's it going??!!!
  9. it's hard for some people to understand, and some people may look down on me and think i'm "common."
  10. i've never really picked up the accent.

Tu dîsa dîtî ku kesên din ku dialekta din diaxivin, tu fêm dikin?

Tu hîs dikin ku tiştên nebaş li ser te ku tu dialekta Scouse diaxivin? Heke erê, ji kerema xwe hin nimûne bidin

  1. a
  2. no
  3. people think i am scum.
  4. not me personally, apparently my accent isn't very strong, but there is a certain stereotype of liverpudlians as being a bit thick and a bit common that isn't nice.
  5. yes, i do. most people hear your voice and notice you are a scouser; they will treat you differently from everyone else.
  6. just because i was from liverpool, some guy from manchester started disrespecting me.
  7. sometimes, because of jokes, being a scouser must mean being a criminal, etc.
  8. no
  9. nope
  10. yes, people say i speak too fast and can never understand some of the words i use.

Tu e-maîl an jî nameyên li Scouse nivîsî an tu Ingilîzî standard bikar tînin?

  1. no
  2. few weeks
  3. yes always
  4. standard english
  5. standard english.
  6. just standard english
  7. standard english because they probably won't be able to understand it.
  8. i shorten words.
  9. scouse
  10. standard english

Tu çawa muzîka Scouse têgihîştin?

  1. i don't know.
  2. a
  3. the greatest i've ever heard
  4. rap
  5. i don't think there is a scouse music style; i don't see how you can take, say, the beatles and the wombats, for example, and draw any common traits based on where they're from.
  6. not sure everyone likes different music, so not sure.
  7. sick!!! :]
  8. there is no scouse music, just music that we find awesome.
  9. don't know.
  10. don't understand the question.

Tu ew hez dikin?

Ji kerema xwe, navê muzîsyenan an jî komên muzîkê yên herî navdar ku muzîka Scouse pêşkeş dikin, binivîse?

  1. johann scouse
  2. beetles
  3. the beatles, echo and the bunnymen, the wombats.
  4. the zootons, the kooks, the bo weevils, and space.
  5. raping people
  6. enemy
  7. haha, i don't know, mate.
  8. don't know.
  9. why?
  10. flo rida, dizzee rascal, etc.

Ma ew stilê muzîkê ya navdar e li Ingilîzî?

Ji kerema xwe, raye te li ser Scouse wekî nîşana nasnameya herêmî parve bike

  1. passion for liverpool fc
  2. it should be a religion.
  3. i think it's nice to feel part of such an individual city that has a very strong sense of its own identity. the accent is very distinct and it does unite us.
  4. hopefully big
  5. i don't know what this means, mate xx
  6. i don't know what that means.
  7. i believe it brings us all together and makes people proud to live in liverpool.
  8. everyone knows a scouser and you can recognize the accent in an instant.
  9. cilla black
  10. everyone knows where we are from.
Ankêtê xwe çêkinBersivê vê formê bidin