Em bi hev re dikin encamê dawi

Bersivên din yên herî xweş yên projeyê binivîse

  1. don't know
  2. na
  3. project presentation
  4. answering
  5. tea break with friends
  6. what do i know?
  7. sdcsaf
  8. not bad
  9. every day was an adventure; i needed to write pages. the most important thing was the everyday planning; that was an experience!
  10. the other happiest moments were - funny activities with the oc team; visiting museums, galleries, and historical places; eating dishes cooked by kotryna and ruta; getting hugs from children; when we didn't have to carry canvases in panevėžys because that lady had a car; my first time on the nude beach in nida))
  11. sharing circles! and exploring each city we visited :)
  12. the first week in vilnius: integration and arts sessions discover the 6 cities festival