Euthanasia, fikir û raye


Spas dikim ji bo alîkarîya te li ser lêkolîna min!

Ez Anna me û ez xwendekarê Zankoya Teknolojiyê ya Kaunas im; lêkolîna min li ser Euthanasia û çi kesan li ser vê mijarê difikirin.

Pirsên dê bi rêya pirsnameyê were şandin û dê ne tenê fikirên bersivdaran li ser euthanasia, lê her weha agahdariyên li ser cinsê wan, temenê wan û pêşkeftina kesayetiya wan jî tê de.

Pirsnameya vê taybetî ji kesên 18 heta 60 salî ve hatî şandin û dê bi taybetî pirsên girtî yên ku tenê yek bersivê hilbijêrin, yê ku zêdetir li gorî raye bersivdaran e. Dê jî cîhên ku ji bo parvekirin û şirove kirina raye kesayetiya wan be.

Ev pirsnameya bi temamî anonim e û bersivdaran azad in ku bersiv bidin li ser her tişt ku wan hewce dikin.

Bersivdaran dê kartê xweşî ya 10 euro ji bo bikaranînê di her firotgeha li têkiliyê de bixin.

Navnîşana e-nameya min e: [email protected], ji kerema xwe ne bi tereddüd re bi min re têkilî daynin heke pirs, pirsgirêk an jî hewceyên her cins hebe.

Spas dikim ji bo beşdarî!

Anna Sala

Euthanasia, fikir û raye

Li kîjan nasnameya cinsî tu zêdetir nas dikin?

Yekî din (ji kerema xwe diyar bikin)

    Tu çend salî yî?

    Çi astengiya xwendinê te ye?

    Tu dizanî çi ye euthanasia?

    Euthanasia, ku têkiliya bêdengiya nexweşekê ye ku ji nexweşiyekê ku nekaribin were şîfa kirin. Tu difikirî ku euthanasia etîk e?

    Tu çi difikirî ku kî divê biryar bide ku jiyana xwe qediya an na (doktor, dêûbav, siyasî...)?

    1. self
    2. a person himself or, if he is in a coma, his closest family. not doctors or politicians in any way!
    3. ourselves
    4. the patient themselves or their entrusted individuals.
    5. the patient himself, if he is not capable, should have the family be the one to decide.
    6. himself
    7. parents
    8. patient first, with the necessary support of a doctor, parents, or special groups such as, for example, non-profit organizations or specific associations that study and research this pain, these specific diseases, and the various issues associated with them.
    9. the person himself if he is able to decide or parents on the advice of doctors.
    10. no one

    Heke endamê malbatê an hevalek te ji nexweşiya dawî re dijî, û ew hewl dide ku jiyana xwe qediya, tu dê ew bide? Şirove bike çima?

    1. i would, because i think it’s his right to do what he decides with his body/life and i would respect his choice to end meaningless suffering.
    2. i’ll try to convince him not to do it. maybe he could enjoy living his remaining life if he sees things from a different point of view. however, i won’t do anything to stop him if he is 100% sure.
    3. yes, because he is the one who is suffering and not me. i could never let someone suffer just so i could spend more time with them. it is not my choice in this case.
    4. if the illness makes his life worse - yes. it's his life, and if the disease is killing the person i love and there is nothing that can be done to save him, i would support his decision 100%.
    5. if he is fully aware and makes this decision, i would respect his "wish."
    6. yes, with respect for this choice. but i think that the most important thing is to support him and stay close to him.
    7. probably yes, because i respect his/her choice, and don't want him/her to suffer from the pain.
    8. yes
    9. yes, because it’s his life, not mine.
    10. if he/she can still express a preference, i think he/she can only decide what’s best for their life. i would not go against their will and let them make their own decisions.

    Tu çawa euthanasia diyar dikin?

    Bersivê li ser bingeha raye kesayetiya xwe

    Heke tu bi nexweşiya dawî hatî teşhîs kirin, tu dixwazî ku hilbijartina jiyana xwe qediya bibe, ne ji bo jiyana di dardê de?

    Friedrich Nietzsche got: "Divê kesek bi serfirazî bimirin dema ku jiyana bi serfirazî nekaribin." Tu razî yî?

    Bi serfirazî tu dikarî hin şirove an jî pêşniyarên li ser pirsên ku tu tenê bersiv da?

    1. the cover letter is very informative, yet sometimes a little bit too informal. there is a question (?) "other (please specify)" which is not clear what the respondent has to indicate. other gender? in "how do you define euthanasia?" it is not clear what the values of the scales are. other than that, this was a good attempt to create an internet survey!
    2. very interesting topic, great questions. good job.
    3. it's ok. answers from italy 👋🏼
    4. at first, i thought that euthanasia was something that should be banned and not used in any way, but then after several questions, i completely changed my mind. the structure of the questionnaire itself is very good, it looks "professional." you did a great job!
    5. your questionnaire is the best one out of all i completed. maybe the description of the questionnaire is a bit too long. the questions are very good. the topic is interesting. good job!
    6. the important thing is that there is all the support, information, and understanding in these situations. given this, everyone must be free to decide how to manage their own life, even if that means putting an end to it.
    7. .
    8. euthanasia should be legal everywhere; i believe everyone should have the option to choose how to live their life and, consequently, how to end it.
    Ankêtê xwe çêkinBersivê vê formê bidin