Germîya cîhanê

Ez lêkolîna germîya cîhanê dikim. Gava ku pêdivî ye ku bizanin çend kesan li ser vê pirsgirêka agah in û çawa dikarin em wê kêm bikin. Bersivên we alîkarî me dikin ku rêyên zêdetir ji bo şerê bi vê pirsgirêka girîng bibînin.




Ma hûn li ser pirsgirêkên çevreya cûda agah in?

Ma hûn qet li ser germîya cîhanê bihîstin? (Ger "Na" li vir bersiv danê. Ger "Erê"/ "Hinek" berdewam bikin)

Li kû hûn li ser germîya cîhanê bihîstin?

Çi tiştî germîya cîhanê dike?

  1. air pollution
  2. pollution
  3. cutting down trees; destroying natural resources; throwing garbage.
  4. the causes of global warming are as follows: greenhouse gases aerosols and soot solar activity variations in earth's orbit
  5. carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gases are causing an increase in global temperature.
  6. population growth is the main problem for global warming.
  7. A
  8. excessive use of vehicles and appliances
  9. deforestation, water wastage, unethical mining, etc.
  10. co

Çi tiştî ya herî girîng a germîya cîhanê ye?

Ma pêdivî ye ku germîya cîhanê rawestînin?

Çawa dikarin em germîya cîhanê kêm bikin?

  1. reduce pollution, increase plants
  2. reducing pollution
  3. by planting more trees and reusing waste materials
  4. following are the ways in which we can curb global warming: choose a utility company that generates at least half its power from wind or solar and has been certified by green-e energy, an organization that vets renewable energy options. by making space more energy efficient by sealing drafts and ensuring it’s adequately insulated. invest in energy-efficient appliances. saving water reduces carbon pollution, too. that's because it takes a lot of energy to pump, heat, and treat your water. drive a fuel-efficient vehicle.
  5. growing forests, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, controlling population, educating people about global warming, controlling pollution, etc.
  6. tree plantation is necessary to reduce global warming. additionally, the human population should be controlled. there should be awareness about sound and air pollution among people.
  7. A
  8. by minimizing the harmful factors and elements from those devices and vehicles.
  9. promote forestation
  10. planting trees

Ma ew mümkün e ku germîya cîhanê bi tevahî rawestînin?

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