

Çawa rengê te yê xweş e?

Çi rengê te pir ne xweş e?

Çi welatan te serdana kirin?

Çi pirtûkê te yê xweş e?

  1. fiction
  2. not really a book lover
  3. 5 point someone
  4. bible
  5. giraffes can't dance
  6. girl underwater
  7. the happy prince

Çi tiştê te di pirtûkê de pir xweş bû?

  1. story
  2. story
  3. sex
  4. the crickets told the giraffe that sometimes when you are different, you just need a different song. the cricket said to listen to the different sounds all around him and find his own way to dance.
  5. i loved the way the author used flash forwards.
  6. that has a happy ending.

Çi tiştê di pirtûkên de girîng e?

Ma xweş e?

Ankêtê xwe çêbikinBersivê vê formê bidin