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Pirsê bonus (eger tu bersiv bidî, ev bi taybetî ji bo min alîkarî mezin e û ez spas dikim). Tu çi difikirî li ser projeya hobiya me, lîstika MAD an MED ya belaş? Di nav de, serîlêdanek lîstikê ya jiyanê bi partîyên zindî dest pê kir, ku tu dikarî li ser youtube "mad or med lîstik" bibî. Agahdariya zêde:
Her tiştî ku tu dixwazî li vir bide fikrê, şîroveyek li vir:
carbohydrate-reduced foods at a realistic favorable price.
i sincerely thank you for your efforts; the calorie base means an indescribably great help to me (and i believe to many of us). i wish you much success in the future!
dear developers! it would be useful if we could also track the amount of sugar intake along with fat, carbohydrates, and protein. otherwise, the site is very good, clear, and i would gladly recommend it to others.
i like the new design colors much better!!! i can't comment on the header because i only know one, it has always looked like this, i want to say i like it and it's clear. the new one is already visible, am i just clumsy, or is this still just a concept?
thank you for the site and the development - it has helped me a lot, it helps me, and i use it every day since i found it.
instead of package photo: product composition
thank you very much for your work! the fact that you didn't ask for money at all costs makes you infinitely credible. nevertheless, i paid because nothing is free, and i encourage everyone to do the same, as this is the only way you can develop.
content is more important than design and font size. everyone complains about how the colors have changed while the functionalities are much more important. but this is typically hungarian - just like the "i'm not losing weight and i don't understand why" topic category, it's just excuses... i have written multiple times on the site that i cannot input the most important information regarding diet - fiber, sugar, etc. we are at a point with this appearance misery that you haven't had the time to fix the loading of food information (the usda site redirects elsewhere...) here is the error message: the url should start with: foods/show/ the carbohydrate data obtained this way can only be indicative information, as i cannot deduct the fibers and polyols. also, if it is loaded, how do i know if it is a good data point or just data from a "similar" product in the usda database... a lot of health-conscious products sold in our small country do not even exist in their database... due to the many negative feedbacks, you had to conduct a survey... instead of praising the completed work, that the site has started on a good path and could have been further developed (the font marked in red if someone rewrote the data according to the packaging, etc.) if someone finds the app not very user-friendly on their mobile, they will surely come close to a computer at least once a day and can enter their food diary. i don't think this is where energies should be directed, but it could simply be implemented that everyone chooses a topic for themselves, whether it be something like the old or the new.
this is the most useful page i have ever encountered in my life!!!
the site helps me a lot. thank you to everyone.
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