Karl Niklas Serhêlên Pêşniyar

Silav hemûyan

Ez niha hemû materyala pêşniyarî ya xwe ji bo karîyera lîstikê xwe di nîqaşê de me.  

Ez hewl didim ku diyar bikim ka ev wêneyan bi çi qas bi çarçoveya castingê ya min re têkildar in. Ji bo sahne, ez karakterên zîrek lîstik dikim, gelek caran bi awayekî zêde têkildar lê her weha xweşî an jî xweşîyeke taybetî hene. Ji bo medya fîlm û reklaman, ez gelek karakterên taybetî lîstik dikim. Ji bo hemû beşên nû yên min, CV-yê min ya Spotlight-ê binêr: 



Ev pêşniyar şansê min e ku hin gerokên li ser serhêlên min yên niha bistînin. Ew ji hêla Robin Savage ve di 8 mehên berê de hatine girtin. 

Ez tenê dixwazim bizanim kîjanan hûn hez dikin, kîjanan hûn ne hez dikin, ka ew min wekî ku me, firotin, û heke ne, kîjan kesê hûn difikirin ku ew firotin. 

Ji bo her wêneyek, pergala nirxandinê heye. 1 wêneya Perfect e, 5 jî ew e ku wêneya ne ji rastiyê re zêde ye. Li jêr hin pirsên gerokê hene. 

Her gerokek ji bo min gelek qîmet e. 

Spas ji bo demê ku hûn dan. 


Serhêl 1

Serhêl 1

Serhêl 2

Serhêl 2

Serhêl 3

Serhêl 3

Serhêl 4

Serhêl 4

Serhêl 5

Serhêl 5

Serhêl 6

Serhêl 6

Çi tesîr hene ev wêneyan li ser te? (mînakî, kîjan kesê hûn difikirin ku li vir pêşkêş dike?)

  1. some of them make me think more of an older character that's wise or the villain
  2. charismatic, athletic, intellectual, lively but also powerful and mysterious.
  3. don't know
  4. a dangerous romantic
  5. no
  6. good
  7. moody.
  8. the face has mild expressions. good-looking and photogenic face. needs to mask skin moles. mostly an honest person.
  9. as a set of shots, a really versatile character. each shot could get you noticed for particular jobs. most of them have a strong sense of brooding intensity and have something villainous about them; number 5 has a great period look.
  10. sexos, el dios del sexo.

Hûn difikirin ku ev wêneyan bi çarçoveya castingê ya ku ez hewl didim têkildar in û çima?

  1. some of them but most of them no because you look more like a villain
  2. all of your desired roles and more. you are limiting yourself through your preconceived ideas about yourself. you have grown. believe it.
  3. don't know
  4. yes, i think you would make a good intellectual villain.
  5. no
  6. yes
  7. not for quirky character
  8. overall, i feel like the ones with a bit more quirkiness are more you and match your personality. the beardy shots are rather heroic and mighty, but i reckon you'd have to be a bit taller for those roles.
  9. some of them do, in some you come across as slightly too attractive and warm to be eccentric or quirky or uptight enough. headshot 6 makes you look like a serial killer.
  10. same as above. for me, it's all about the beard.

Hûn çawa min lîstik dikin heke hûn min nas nakin? (Û heke hûn gelek baş nas nakin, çawa hûn min li ser pêşniyarê yekem lîstik dikin?)

  1. Villain
  2. iago, king lear, sherlock holmes, mark antony, but also mercutio and nick from zootopia!
  3. don't know
  4. macbeth
  5. i refuse.
  6. na
  7. by looking
  8. based on good looks
  9. sidekick, office worker, victorian clerk, author, journalist, or graphic artist.
  10. actually, now that i think about it, the clean-shaven ones could be suitable for serious roles, so i guess i'm probably not good at judging someone's suitability for a role based on a headshot. ;)

Her gerokek din.

  1. you look scary, weird, and neglectful.
  2. you're a very beautiful man. a beautiful man. big... blue... eyes.
  3. shut up
  4. na
  5. sharpen expressions for the camera, please.
  6. looking good, karl! great quality shots.
  7. i wouldn't have recognized you from the smiling picture.
  8. you're awesome! :)
  9. 3. unsure about this one 6. i don't think this works as you don't look relaxed / natural
  10. shot 2 works for me - your presence is open and there is energy, but it's not forced. shot 1 is good - but your smile is a bit 'held' and it's a little too 'young rowan atkinson' for me - just as a general photo - but if they're looking for that casting - then you're onto a winner! the others are a little too stagy or held for my taste... regarding casting - would i get you in for an audition based on photo 2? yes, i would, if your experience was relevant. for me, it's a combination of the two. and if your photo came across my desk and you were right for the part i would get you in to audition! talk soon - all the best with your poll - it's the best poll for photos that anyone has ever sent. it's great to see that you're busy and well - best wishes! h
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