Tu çi hilbijartin – firotinê online an çûn ser firotgeh? Çima?
going to a store
i prefer both online shopping and going to the store. my preference depends on the product i'm buying.
going to the store because there i can physically see the product.
going to the store. i'll be satisfied by ensuring all quality is fine.
going to a store because it helps to get a clear image and functionality of the device or costumes.
i prefer both.
online shopping
just by utilizing this type of write-up, i suppose this blog expects much more awareness. i will likely return to learn more; i appreciate this important information.
at the moment, i would use the internet instead of the store.
store, i much prefer the atmosphere and the whole experience.
of course, going to the store is good because you can touch and try things on in person.
i just don't like walking around stores.
going to a store, because you can see and try on the product immediately.
i prefer shopping in a store as you can try all the things you intend to buy, and shopping online takes away the joy of spending fun time with your friends.