Malperên internetê û taybetmendiyên wan yên herî girîng.
Tu çima vê browserê têne bikaranîn?
google chrome. it's fantastic.
because it is convenient and easy to use.
it's the default browser of the operating system.
due to performance
its speed is high.
it's easy.
google chrome - the ease of use
fiable et facile à travailler.
it is comfortable for me.
google es bueno.
easy to use
it's simple and user-friendly.
why don't you say it well? you say it well... however, i believe that the suggestions are more likely to be ignored! it's right to encourage everyone to express their opinion and start speaking it; maybe something will come out of that! it will definitely be better than the present anyway.
i'm not easily impressed... but that's impressing me! :)