Mokinių Biudžetas

Slav! Ez Uliana Deremeshko me, xwendekara 1F ya "Aitvaro" gimnaziyê. Ez karê tecrubeyê li ser budçeya xwendekaran dikim. Ji kerema xwe çend deqîqe bide min û bersivên pirsan bidin. Pêşî ji te spas dikim

Kokia tavo lytis?

Kiek tau metu?

Kaip dažnai tau tėvai | globėjai duoda kišenpinigių?

Ar tau užtenka?

Ar tu planuoji savo įšlaidas?

Kam tu dažniaušiai išleidi kišenpinigius?

  1. for bus tickets, food, small purchases (e.g.: stationery)
  2. pietums is for leisure time.
  3. and clothes
  4. entertainment
  5. food
  6. food
  7. for food
  8. for food
  9. for snacks and entertainment
  10. food

Kur tu dažniausiai išleidi savo kišenpinigius?

  1. yes, but i have enough of them.
  2. in stores
  3. go for a walk, buy what i need, buy sweets to take home
  4. entertainment
  5. to take a walk
  6. for food
  7. for food
  8. for food
  9. coffee house
  10. in restaurants

Gerê têbînî, heke dêran/globêran zêdetir kişenpinig bidin, tu kîjan xerc dikin?

  1. i would save for more expensive items (e.g., concert tickets, clothes).
  2. i would save a little and buy a camera.
  3. investments
  4. i would debug a little bit and then i would buy it.
  5. for more food
  6. for food
  7. on clothing
  8. for small but frequent purchases
  9. for entertainment
  10. for various events or decorations

Ar turite pakankamai žinių apie finansinį raštingumą?

Iš kur semiatės šių žinių ir informacijos?

  1. school, internet media
  2. from parents, the internet, and friends
  3. personal experience
  4. from college and life
  5. the parents told.
  6. from food
  7. they tell in school.
  8. from the internet
  9. from school
  10. i do not have this information.

Kas gali turėti įtakos jums pradėtumėte planuoti savo biudžetą?

  1. financial education in school, more personal interest, planning and adherence to the plan.
  2. i am already planning the budget.
  3. lack of money
  4. i don't know.
  5. a lot of delicious food.
  6. food
  7. mom
  8. important purchase
  9. amount of money
  10. if my earnings appear, i will start planning my expenses.
Ankêtê xwe çêkinBersivê vê formê bidin