Navnîşana Hilberên Çav Grind

Em dixwazin xebata tevlîbûnê ya we bi kar bînin da ku navên baştir ji bo hin dizaynan me çêkin. Li vê wêneyan bînînin û nivîsînin ka hûn çi difikirin ku dizayn/şekil çawa dibe an jî çi nîşan dide. Spas ji bo gerokên we!

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. don't know
  2. it looks like it belongs to some religion.
  3. strange
  4. this design looks like it is made of tiger skin.
  5. muskara
  6. fire or leaves
  7. fire
  8. hdh
  9. rorschach

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. don't know
  2. beautiful floral art
  3. aged appearance
  4. this design looks like it is made from dry flowers.
  5. rangoli
  6. traditional art
  7. porcelain prints in soup bowl
  8. hdhd
  9. happy hearts

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. it has a pleasant design with a star.
  2. traditional
  3. this design looks like it was made for wool.
  4. kingdom logo
  5. basket weaving design
  6. rangoli instant sheets
  7. hdh
  8. flower power

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. beautiful wooden art that can be hung on the walls of a house.
  2. nice
  3. this design looks like it was made from soil.
  4. be collective
  5. wood carvings
  6. wall printed
  7. hdhdh
  8. peace star

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. it seems to be related to divine matters.
  2. looking good
  3. this design looks handmade.
  4. olden days monument
  5. traditional wood carving
  6. tablecloth
  7. hhdht
  8. happy flower

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. this design makes me want to have a roof like this at home.
  2. reminds me of the countryside and rangoli
  3. made design football.
  4. bizarre
  5. 3d effect
  6. no idea
  7. hdt
  8. kaleidoscope

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. this design is suitable for lawn work.
  2. simple yet attractive
  3. look like bridge design.
  4. jail
  5. another 3d effect
  6. dining table cover
  7. hdt
  8. 3d triangles

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?

Ev dizayn çawa dibe / hûn çi difikirin?
  1. this design is okay.
  2. cool
  3. look like a roof.
  4. kids design
  5. zigzag lines
  6. chair design
  7. thdh
  8. wood grain

What does this design look like / make you think of?

What does this design look like / make you think of?
  1. simple yet beautiful used in interior design of the house.
  2. i don't like this.
  3. look like biscuits.
  4. pyramids
  5. saree design
  6. great design.
  7. hdh
  8. alien vision
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