NU SSCI 101 SUM19 - Post Course Evaluation

Dear Student

Thank you for sharing this journey. Hope you enjoyed it.

I appreciate your feedback, no one is good enough till they learn more. 

This is a quick poll to improve my teaching.

It won't take 10 min.


Ayman M Ismail

NU SSCI 101 SUM19 - Post Course Evaluation
Encama ankêt tenê ji bo nivîskarê ankêtê amade ye

Please evaluate the following

I think the lectures were great
I think the classes were interactive
I like the class activities
I like the Happy Face Idea
I found the lectures boring
I enjoyed mostly every single lecture
I think the course changed my view about Islamic architecture positively
I think the course changed my view about Islamic architecture negatively
I felt ignored during the lectures
I attended more than 80% lectures
I enjoyed the Dr style of teaching
I learnt more from the class activities than the actual lectures
I think the assignments were a lot
I attended all 3 field trips
I think the doctor tried hard to make us understand something different
I think the contents of the course were clear
Some topics made me do more research because I was curious
I want to take another class with this Dr
I used to think History is boring
I still think History is boring

One building you will never forget?

One person you will never forget?

One lecture you will never forget?

One event/activity/incident you will never forget?

This is the part I enjoy reading. Tell me something you wanted to say but had no chance - I won't know your name :-) ✪

Tell the TA something ✪