Online Booking: Karûbarê şîroveyan û şîroveyan li ser kararê xerîdarê di hilbijartina otêlê de

Slav bi hemûyan, ez Caresse Chan im, niha xwendekarê salê sêyem a bechelor im li B.H.M.S di Swîsre de. Ez projeya lêkolînê xwe ji bo salê dawî ya xwendinê dikim.

Ez pêşniyar dikim ku hûn dikarin alîkarî min bikin da ku bersivê têkildar bikin û ev dikare min gelek alîkarî bike! spas.

Çi cinsiyeta te ye?

Çi neteweyê te ye?

  1. indian
  2. indian
  3. indian
  4. indian
  5. indian
  6. indian
  7. indian
  8. india
  9. indian
  10. indian

Tu çûyî?

Çend caran tu çûyî?

Tu bi gelemperî rezervasyona otêlê di ajansê bookingê ya serhêl de dikin?

Dema ku tu otêlê hilbijartî, tu li ser şîroveyê otêlê diyarî dikin?

Çi cureyê faktoran karê te li ser kararê te dema ku tu otêlê hilbijartî?

Li gorî pirsê berê, çima?

  1. it should be comfortable.
  2. because i usually travel on vacation, i need comfort and convenience.
  3. because from my daily hectic routine, i want to spend quality time with my family, so i always prefer a hotel that provides me with all the comforts. and of course, when i am spending a good amount, i am more concerned about cleanliness and the services provided by the hotel.
  4. before choosing a hotel, i definitely take the above factors into consideration because each of them is equally important. the location of the hotel is important for easy accessibility to local transport, market complexes, and definitely places to visit. the quality of the room and hospitality service should always be considered for a comfortable stay. and last but not least, i would like to add something that is not mentioned in the above factors, i.e., price. it is a very important factor for people to choose a hotel that fits their budget.
  5. the basic amenities
  6. because i want it in a good location
  7. because location is very important.
  8. as we are on a tour, we should not feel uneasy because of bad rooms and services. even a bad room costs almost half the amount of a standard hotel room.
  9. these are all important aspects for reserving a hotel to ensure comfort and enjoyment for yourself and your companions.
  10. for my satisfaction

Ma nirxandina giştî karê te li ser kararê te di hilbijartina otêlê de dike?

Ankêtê xwe çêkinBersivê vê formê bidin