Opera 15 Next Bikarhêner Geri Bîldîrîna Anketi

Hûn dizanin Opera 15 Next bi guhertinên mezin re hat. Hêdî hêdî, herçend demek zêde nehatîye, em dest pê kirin ku gelek bîldîrînan bistînin. Ji bo ku bîldîrînan we bi hêsanî zêde bikin, em vê anketê amade kirin. Em dixwazin ku encamên anketê bi Opera Software re bişînin da ku Opera 15 bi pêdiviyên bikarhêneran ve şekil bide.

Tevlîbûnên we ji bo me gelek girîng û qîmetdar in. Pêşî ji we spas dikin.

Opera niha brwoserê xwe ya bingehîn e?

Hûn Opera 15 li ser komputerê xwe barkirin? (tenê ji bo dîtina nûvekirinê)

Taybetmendiyên Opera yên jêr çend girîng in ji bo we? (bê zêdeyên)

Heke hûn bi brwoserê din ve biguherînin, kîjan brwoserê bikar bînin?

Yên din

  1. chromium
  2. opera
  3. comodo dragon
  4. the best is opera version 12.
  5. comodo dragon
  6. opera 12.
  7. where is the menu bar?
  8. avant browser
  9. opera 12
  10. srware iron

Heke hûn ji bo e-posta xwe Opera bikar tînin û heke hûn dixwazin ku bi Opera Mail ya nû ve biguherînin, kîjan pêşkêşkerê e-posta bikar bînin?

Yên din

  1. windows 8 mail
  2. gmail
  3. as long as it exists, continue to use opera mail.
  4. windows 8 mail
  5. win8 mail application
  6. windows 8 mail
  7. i don't use opera.
  8. the bat!
  9. the bat
  10. yandex mail

Kî salê hûn dest pê kirin ku Opera bikar bînin?

Hûn tiştek din heye ku hûn dixwazin bi Opera re bişînin?

  1. na
  2. the opera is perfect. i'm already using coast on my iphone, but there is one issue for me on pc: there are occasional freezes while watching videos. sometimes it happens quite often. i tried it on explorer and chrome, and there are no freezes. i wonder why this is happening. i would appreciate it if you could solve this...
  3. there is no menu, there is no dragonfly, opera with a chrome tab is not opera. it is wrong from the beginning.
  4. take care of yourself.
  5. i find the downloader weak.
  6. bring back my bookmarks and i want a powerful browser with synchronization and fast page loading.
  7. oh, is this what you're doing going to be an opera?
  8. due to the shortcomings you have made, you are still using opera 12. wouldn't it have been better if you had worked on it and created stable software? there are not even bookmarks in the new version, and the hidden toolbar :(
  9. a faster opera a very fast opera only
  10. close the gap on the tabs. there is no gap in all browsers, i always press empty space while switching tabs.
Ankêtê xwe çêbikinBersivê vê formê bidin