Palm Beach Music & Entertainment Awards Ballot

Palm Beach Music & Entertainment Awards Ballot
Encama ankêt tenê ji bo nivîskarê ankêtê amade ye

Best Male Rapper ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Male Rapper

Best Female Rapper ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Female Rapper

Best R&B Male Artist ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best R&B Male Artist

Best R&B Female Artist ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best R&B Female Artist

Best Emerging Artist ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Emerging Artist

Best DJ ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best DJ

Best Producer ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Producer

Best Rap Group ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Rap Group

Best Song ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Song

Best Collaboration ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Collaboration

Hustla/Promoter Of The Year ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Hustla/Promoter Of The Year

Best Video ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Best Video

Models Of The Year ✪

Please Choose One Selection For Model Of The Year