Perceptions on Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the 2023 election

Navê min Karolina ye. Ez xwendekarê zimanê Medyayê Nû ya salê duyemîn li Zanîngeha Teknolojiyê ya Kaunas im.

Ez lêkolînê li ser Perceptions of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pêşî hilbijartina 2023-an çêdikim. Ev anket armanc dike ku bîrên niha li ser serokê û çalakiyên siyasî yên wî bibîne.

Her bersiv di vê anketa de bi anonimî tê tomar kirin û ti agahdariyên kesane ne tê girtin.

Ji kerema xwe agahdar bike ku heke pirsên heye, bi min re têkilî daynin, Karolina Aleliūnaitė li [email protected]

Spas dikim ji bo demê we û beşdariya we.

What is your age?

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Do you know who is Recep Tayyip Erdogan?

Are you interested in Turkey's presidential election?

How has Erdogan's leadership style affected his popularity in Turkey?


    What are Erdogan's biggest achievements as president, and how have they impacted his public image?


      What are the biggest criticisms of Erdogan's leadership, and how has he responded to them?


        How has Erdogan's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic affected his popularity among Turkish citizens?


          How has Erdogan's leadership style impacted Turkey's domestic and foreign policies?

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