Perceptions on Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan ahead of the 2023 election

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Ez lêkolînê li ser Perceptions of Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan pêşî hilbijartina 2023-an çêdikim. Ev anket armanc dike ku bîrên niha li ser serokê û çalakiyên siyasî yên wî bibîne.

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Ji kerema xwe agahdar bike ku heke pirsên heye, bi min re têkilî daynin, Karolina Aleliūnaitė li [email protected]

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What is your age?

Where do you live?

What is your gender?

Do you know who is Recep Tayyip Erdogan?

Are you interested in Turkey's presidential election?

How has Erdogan's leadership style affected his popularity in Turkey?

  1. erdogan's leadership style has faced growing criticism from various segments of turkish society, leading to a polarization of public opinion. critics argue that he has become increasingly authoritarian, curbing media freedom, suppressing dissent, and consolidating power within the presidency. concerns have been raised about the erosion of democratic institutions and human rights under his leadership.
  2. under his leadership style, over time people noticed his true nature and he lost his popularity.
  3. recep tayyip erdogan, the current president of turkey, has a leadership style that has been controversial and polarizing within turkey. his style is characterized by a mix of authoritarianism, populism, and islamic conservatism.
  4. recep tayyip erdogan's leadership style has had a complex and evolving relationship with his popularity in turkey. when erdogan first came to power as the prime minister in 2003, he was widely seen as a fresh and charismatic leader who promised to bring stability and prosperity to turkey. his early years in power were marked by a series of bold economic and political reforms that helped to modernize the country and raise living standards for many turks. however, over time, erdogan's leadership style has become increasingly authoritarian, with a greater emphasis on centralizing power and cracking down on dissent. he has been accused of curtailing freedom of speech and press, suppressing political opposition, and undermining the independence of the judiciary. these moves have drawn criticism both domestically and internationally.
  5. domestically, erdogan's leadership style has contributed to a shift away from turkey's secular, kemalist traditions, and toward a more conservative, islamist identity. he has emphasized the importance of traditional family values and islamic values in public life and has taken a strong stance against dissent and opposition. this has resulted in a crackdown on media and civil society organizations and an erosion of democratic institutions in turkey.
  6. in terms of erdogan's popularity in turkey, his leadership style has been both a source of strength and a liability. he has a sizable following among conservative and nationalist voters, who value his attempts to promote islam and turkish culture, as well as his emphasis on national security. his dictatorial inclinations and contentious policies, such as his handling of the kurdish issue and his alliance with russia and iran, have alienated many other turks, particularly those in cities and among the country's minority communities.
  7. i have no idea what his leadership style is/was and how popular he is/was. ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  8. i don’t know.
  9. i thought about less democracy.
  10. in turkey, most people like their country. erdogan knows that well and he has done a lot of things that turkish nationalists liked. in addition, the unsuccessful opposition has made erdogan stronger.

What are Erdogan's biggest achievements as president, and how have they impacted his public image?

  1. erdogan's government introduced social welfare programs such as healthcare reforms, the expansion of social security coverage, and initiatives to address poverty. these efforts were seen as positive steps to improve the well-being of disadvantaged groups and garnered support from those who benefited from these policies.
  2. his biggest achievements have made turkey the worst version ever.
  3. recep tayyip erdogan, the current president of turkey, has had a long political career, both as prime minister and president, and he has accomplished many things during his time in office. some of erdogan's biggest achievements as president include: economic growth: under erdogan's leadership, turkey experienced significant economic growth, with gdp increasing from $230 billion in 2002 to over $850 billion in 2019.
  4. recep tayyip erdogan has been the president of turkey since 2014, and his tenure has been marked by a number of achievements that have had a significant impact on his public image. here are some of his most notable accomplishments:
  5. erdogan's government has invested heavily in infrastructure development, including the construction of new highways, airports, and high-speed rail lines. these projects have been viewed as important steps towards modernizing turkey's transportation system and improving economic competitiveness.
  6. erdogan has implemented various social welfare policies such as providing free health care to citizens, increasing the minimum wage, and providing subsidies for farmers. the government has also implemented a program that provides financial assistance to low-income families, which has helped to reduce poverty.
  7. i cannot say ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  8. i don’t know.
  9. i don't know.
  10. in my opinion, as a turkish citizen, turkey saw its biggest gdp growth in 2012. we all believed that turkey would become an eu member in 2012. 2011 and 2012 were the best years for erdogan. after that, a lot of bad things happened, including issues related to terrorism, and turkey broke its relationships with the eu.

What are the biggest criticisms of Erdogan's leadership, and how has he responded to them?

  1. one of the key criticisms of erdogan's leadership is his increasing authoritarian tendencies. critics argue that he has consolidated power, curbed media freedom, suppressed dissent, and undermined democratic institutions. erdogan has often dismissed these allegations, asserting that his actions are necessary for maintaining stability, protecting national security, and combating terrorism. he has argued that his government is committed to democracy and has defended his actions as legitimate responses to threats.
  2. he made turkey bad in every aspect. he is using religion to gain sympathy, his foreign policies are terrible but he doesn’t take any responsibility and never accepts it. if you ask him, everything is great :))
  3. he ignores every criticism.
  4. under erdogan's leadership, turkey has experienced impressive economic growth, with the country's gdp more than doubling since he first took office in 2003. this growth has been driven in part by the government's emphasis on infrastructure development, which has helped to create jobs and stimulate economic activity.
  5. there are many criticisms of erdogan's leadership, both domestically and internationally. some of the biggest criticisms include his erosion of democracy and human rights in turkey, his authoritarian leadership style, his crackdown on dissent, and his handling of the economy. he has defended his record on democracy and human rights, arguing that he is committed to upholding turkey's democratic values. he has also accused his opponents of being part of a larger conspiracy to undermine turkey's stability and security.
  6. erdogan is accused of consolidating power, undermining democratic institutions, and stifling alternative voices. his administration has jailed and imprisoned journalists, professors, and political opponents, and he has taken moves to limit press freedom and weaken judicial independence. erdogan has justified his policies as vital to preserve peace and battle terrorism in response to these allegations. he has also accused his opponents of plotting to destabilize his administration, portraying himself as a defender of turkish sovereignty and national security.
  7. i cannot say ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  8. i don’t know.
  9. i don't know.
  10. definitely, freedom. he thinks that turkey is a free country, but people do not think the same. when you share something against erdogan, the police come to your home immediately. if you don’t like erdogan, he thinks that you are a terrorist. he is trying to make turkish people enemies of each other.

How has Erdogan's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic affected his popularity among Turkish citizens?

  1. the pandemic had a significant economic impact on turkey, as it did in many other countries. economic challenges, including job losses and reduced income, affected the livelihoods of many turkish citizens. erdogan's popularity could be influenced by how people perceive his government's management of the economic consequences of the pandemic.
  2. it didn’t affect that much. he didn’t help people financially.
  3. erdogan's handling of the covid-19 pandemic has been a mixed bag, and his approach has been criticized by some in turkey. at the beginning of the pandemic, erdogan was criticized for not taking the threat of the virus seriously enough and for downplaying the severity of the outbreak. this led to a delay in implementing strict measures to control the spread of the virus, which allowed it to spread more rapidly.
  4. at the start of the pandemic, erdogan's government acted relatively quickly to implement strict measures aimed at controlling the spread of the virus, such as implementing a partial lockdown, closing schools, and canceling large gatherings. however, as the pandemic wore on, there were accusations that the government was not doing enough to support struggling businesses and workers, leading to protests in some parts of the country.
  5. erdogan's handling of the covid-19 pandemic has been a mixed bag, with early success giving way to criticism and frustration as the situation has dragged on.
  6. i cannot say ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  7. no idea
  8. all right
  9. fortunately, turkey recently had its first pandemic case. unfortunately, they didn't control it very well. he always said that our health system is one of the best in the world. however, in terms of the pandemic, we saw that it is not. i got covid three times. i had been studying in latvia. latvia was much safer in terms of pandemic cases compared to turkey.
  10. reactions were late but still managed to cripple the business.

How has Erdogan's leadership style impacted Turkey's domestic and foreign policies?

  1. erdogan's leadership style has faced criticism regarding the state of democracy and human rights in turkey. critics argue that erdogan's government has curtailed media freedom, suppressed dissent, and undermined democratic institutions. there have been concerns raised about the erosion of the rule of law and judicial independence. these policies have drawn international criticism and affected turkey's reputation in terms of human rights and democratic governance.
  2. his leadership negatively impacted every aspect. education, social life, tourism, healthcare, and unemployment increased, and it literally messed everything up.
  3. erdogan's leadership style has had a significant impact on both turkey's domestic and foreign policies. domestically, erdogan's style is characterized by a mix of authoritarianism, populism, and islamic conservatism. he has been accused of cracking down on political opposition and suppressing freedom of speech, particularly in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt in 2016. erdogan has also promoted a more islamic identity for turkey and has sought to increase the role of religion in public life.
  4. centralization of power: erdogan has taken steps to centralize power in turkey, consolidating control over key institutions such as the judiciary and the media. this has led to concerns about the erosion of democratic values and civil liberties in the country. economic policies: erdogan has pursued a number of economic policies aimed at promoting growth and modernization, including large-scale infrastructure projects and an emphasis on exports. however, some critics have argued that these policies have also contributed to a widening wealth gap and increased inequality in the country.
  5. domestically, erdogan's leadership style has been characterized by a strong centralization of power. he has consolidated power in the presidency, increasing its authority over the executive branch and the judiciary.
  6. domestically, erdogan's leadership style has led to a more centralized and authoritarian governing structure. he has made attempts to undermine democratic institutions such as the judiciary, the media, and civil society groups, while also consolidating authority in the presidency. this has raised concerns in turkey about the deterioration of democratic principles and the rule of law.
  7. probably either made it better or worse? ******** there is no question added for me to give you feedback on your questionnaire and you did not submit the responses on moodle! in terms of the questionnaire, there are some issues. firstly, the age range has overlapping values. if a person is 22, should they choose 18-22 or 22-25? it looks like you copied my example from the board of what not to do... :) later, in the question about gender, you have some grammar issues (e.g. a person cannot be plural 'women', a singular 'woman' should be used instead). other questions are based on trusting that the person actually knows about the recent political events and situations in turkey.
  8. no idea
  9. sometimes he is aggressive, i guess.
  10. until 2012, turkey had a friendly impression of the eu and the us. however, after that, erdogan began to think that european government leaders were trying to politicize against him, and he also believed that european leaders were supporting terrorism. erdogan's popularity increased in turkey because the opposition in turkey is terrible. the citizens of turkey understood that there is no one better than erdogan for turkey. for me, i don't like erdogan, but i don't think erdogan's opponent will win the election.
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