Powerday Dermanî Otomasyon

Berhemek kurt ji bo Powerday Dermanî Otomasyon (DRA), ku li 2ê Adarê li Dekker Zoetermeer hatî rêvebirin

Tu di Powerday de beşdar bûyî?

Heke tu nebeşdar bûyî an jî tenê beşî beşdar bûyî, çima ne/nebeşî?

Tu çi fikirî ji Powerday re?

Hûn çi fikirî ji beşê pratîk û pitch re?

Piştgirî li xerîdarên

Karê min ye:

Tu hîn tiştên din heye an jî şîroveyên ji bo powerdayên pêşerojê?

  1. 1. preferably not on fridays anymore 2. please take other events in that week or month into account in the calendar 3. it is important that the content you present does not generate unnecessary remarks/comments 4. make sure you master the content well 5. there should actually be more dialogue incorporated. most account managers are familiar with the commercial story
  2. a better "buy in" from the account managers, resulting in all of them being present, actively participating, and actively engaging with clients after the power day using the knowledge and tools provided.
  3. i find the question of follow-up with customers very black and white. of course, you talk about this with customers. at that moment, i decide whether i need help or support from bd&i. i would have liked to receive more information regarding the competitors. where do they stand in the market? especially concerning the smart building, bgrid story, etc....
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