
Yardimê we pêdivî ye! Em divê di dawiya semesterê de ji bo modulê Holendî pêşangehê bidin. Lêkolîn tenê çend çirkan dike, ji ber vê yekê ji kerema xwe demê xwe bigirin û alîkarî me bikin :-)



Ma hûn dixwazin di dema xwendinê de praktîkê bikin?

Ger erê, hûn li kîjan cihê praktîkê dixwazin? (zêdetir bersiv hene)

Sebebê hilbijartina te ragihîne

  1. na
  2. since i would like to live and work in germany, it would make sense to complete an internship within germany, as anything else would not be representative. however, i consider internships to be a good opportunity for orientation.
  3. i am interested in other cultures. but actually, for me, the agency or the company during an internship is the most important factor before i think about where i would like to go!
  4. siberia, because it is offered by the employer. best regards, janik :)
  5. gain new experiences
  6. haha great questions :d :d
  7. if it is possible to gain international experience, then of course at any time. but aside from that, gaining work experience alongside studies can definitely be beneficial. i worked continuously during my studies to be able to apply the knowledge i learned directly and thus internalize it.
  8. definitely outside of europe, as they offer me nothing. i am absolutely not interested in it, and i want to experience something different and exciting. additionally, i would like to go to an english-speaking country. canada suits my case very well.
  9. if i am employed, i do not study, which is why i also do not do an internship. therefore, the survey can stop for me right here.
  10. i also do not want to live and work too far away from my home later, so i would like to establish contacts with future employers in the area early on.
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