Robotics. Mars Rovers

Armancê vê pirsanê ye ku agahiyên li ser mijara 'ROBOTICS. MARS ROVERS' berhev bike. Ji kerema xwe her pirsê bi balafirîya xwe ya herî zêde bifikirin. Li ku em ji te re dixwazin ku tiştek bi peyvên xwe şirove bikî, ji kerema xwe bi Îngilîzî nivîs. Ev pirsan anonim in.

Cinsiyeta te:

Têkildarî ya te:

Çi perwerdehiyê te heye?

Tu qet li ser şandina NASA ya Mars Exploration Rover (MER) agahdar bûyî?

Tu difikirî ku MER şandina pêwîst e?

Çima tu ev difikirî?

  1. explore inventions
  2. interesting
  3. na
  4. since more exploration of planets will enhance technology and lead to scientific achievements.
  5. A
  6. we need to know more about this universe in order to develop our nations.
  7. yes, it is important.
  8. we need to explore more.
  9. people lived for a hundred billion years with the question "who are we." are we alone? what is in other galaxies and something else? they lived without knowing this, and this tells us that that is how it should be. we don't need to know our history. we don't need to answer these questions.
  10. we need to explore and expand.

Tu dizanî kîjan demê şandina NASA ya Mars Exploration Rover (MER) dest pê kir?

Tu dizanî kîjan navên roveran hatin gotin?

Tu dizanî çend kilo roverek giran e?

Tu dizanî çi hızê serê roverê li ser zeminê qelew e?

Bi kîjan dijwarî roveran di destpêkê de berdewam kir?

Yek ji roveran pir kêşeyên giran hebû. Tu dizanî çend demê ew kar nekir?

Tu bawerî dikî ku NASA ê jî formê organîk a jiyanê li ser Mars dît?

Tu bawerî dikî ku NASA ê avê li ser Mars dît?

Tu dixwazî li ser Mars jiyan bikî heke şans hebe?

Tu dizanî kîjan şandina Mars MER bû?

Tu difikirî ku ev serkeftinê mezin e ku Mars Rovers ji bo 2 sal berdewam dikin, ne ji bo 90 rojan ku hatibû plan kirin?

Tu li ser bûyerên şandina MER di 2004 de bûyî?

Tu hîn jî li ser şandina MER hewceyî?

Tu difikirî ku pêwîst e ku zêdetir roveran li ser Mars şandin?

Tu difikirî ku NASA ê çi gava pêşveçûnê li ser Mars dike?

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. na
  4. may involve sending more rovers
  5. i don't know.
  6. i have no idea.
  7. i think there is no reason to explore one planet for such a long time.
  8. rovers
  9. sending more advanced rovers to mars
  10. i don't know.

Tu çi difikirî li ser şansê dîtina formê organîk a jiyanê li ser planetên din?

  1. yes
  2. no
  3. na
  4. there are many chances and possibilities.
  5. maybe it will be a success.
  6. perhaps
  7. i think there's a greater possibility of finding organic forms on other planets because of different atmospheres and other things i don't know about.
  8. it would be excellent!
  9. i don't think it's possible today, but there must have been lifeforms a few million years ago. fossils are more likely to be found.
  10. maybe it's possible, but i don't think that it's going to happen in our solar system.

Nivîsîna xwe ya li ser şandina MER ya NASA

  1. no
  2. no
  3. na
  4. it's a good mission in my opinion.
  5. i don't know much about that.
  6. i make great progress.
  7. i think that nasa hides part of the information gathered by spirit and opportunity. nasa is fully controlled by the u.s. government, and all really serious information is not leaked to the public.
  8. it's better than militarism...
  9. i have no real opinion.
  10. good, exploration is a step to the future.
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