Russians in Kaunas

Encama ankêt giştî amade ye

1. Why did you choose to live in Kaunas?

2. What is your citizenship?

2. What is your education?

4. Are you currently working?

5. Are you looking for a job?

6. Do you consider yourself:

7. In your opinion, what are the current relations between Russians and Lithuanians in Kaunas?

8. Is the Russian culture threatened in Kaunas?

9. What language do you use to communicate with relatives?

10. What language do you use to communicate at work?

11. What language do you use to communicate with friends?

12. What language do you use for communication in everyday life (school, shop, bank, ...)?

13. Is it easier for Lithuanians to find a job in Kaunas?

14. Have you experienced ethnic discrimination based on ethnic characteristics at school, at work, on the street, when visiting a doctor, ...?

15. Rate your skills in Lithuanian from 1 to 10.

16. Rate your skills in Russian from 1 to 10.