Ji kerema xwe çend deqîqe bide ku vê anketê li ser parastina têkiliyê ya mentalê fill bikin. Pirsên anketê çend beşan hene. Ji kerema xwe bixwînin û bersivên xwe nîşan bidin. Heke bersiva we na, bi pirsê numreyê ku hatî agahdar kirin veçin. Em nirxê we pêşniyar dikin û bersivên we ê bi taybetî were parastin. Spas ji bo tevlîbûnê we. Ji kerema xwe agahdariyên jêrîn bide me.

Encama ankêt giştî amade ye

1-What’s your gender?

2-What is your age?

3- Your education?

4- Marital status?

5-When was the last time you met with someone from government mental health services?

6- According to current legislation, is it easy to get access to mental health care services in your community?

7-How would you rate the state of your current mental health?

8- Is there any history of mental disorders in your family?

9- If "Yes", please select which of the family member has/had a history of mental illness?

10- In the last 12 months, have you or any of your relatives had any counselling sessions?

11- Are you habituated to drugs or alcohol?

12- Have you felt particularly low or down for more than 2 weeks in a row?

13- How knowledgeable are you about mental health related issues?

14- In your opinion, how common are the following mental health problems in your Community?

15- Would you accept a friend or a co-worker having a mental health problem?

16- What should be the community’s response to mental health problems?

17- What is the most important way in which the health facility could better respond to the mental health problems?

18- Would you be able to notice the signs and symptoms of a person suffering with a Mental Health Problem?

19- If there is anything else you would like to tell us about your experiences of mental health care in the last 12 months, please do so here.