Társasjáték tematika kérdőív

Silav! Ezman li ser yek ji lîstikên partî ya gotinê dixebitim û ez naxwazim ku çi tematikayê zêdetir xweş e. Heke tu çend deqîqe ji bo parvekirina raye te bidî, ez ji te re spas dikim, niha ji bo min mezin alîkarî ye!: )

Di kurtasî de, lîstik di navbera Vêrfares û Navên Pêşîn de têkildar dike. Mêjûyê wî ye ku civak û duokên veşartî hene. Ev duokên veşartî dikarin zêdetir be. Ew divê ku di têkiliyê xwe de hin peyvên taybetî nîşan bidin, ku bi vî awayî jî şikêna şikêna dikin. Ev peyvên ku wan girêdana dikin, dikarin nav, çalakiyan, navên cîhanan, yani her tiştî ku wan bi veşartî hez dikin.

Ez rûpela pêşveçûnê ya lîstikê çêkirim heke tu dixwazî wekî testker be, an jî tenê di fikrê de alîkarî bikî: https://www.facebook.com/pg/SecretCults-274180003253988


Li ser tematikên jêrîn raye we hewce ye:

Társasjáték tematika kérdőív

SECRET CULTS: normálisok VS szektások (modern kor). Titkos szekták akarnak beszervezni. Leplezd le őket!

CULT KINGS: hűségesek VS szektások (középkor). Meghalt a király. Találd meg a legjobb jelöltet a trónra. Vigyázz, titkos szektás csoportok is pályáznak a hatalomra. Leplezd le őket!

DEFENESZTRÁCIÓ: hűségesek VS összeesküvők (modern kor, politikai). Új államfőt kell kijelölnie a tanácsnak. Vigyázz titkos összeesküvő csoportok is pályáznak a trónra. Az összeesküvéssel megvádoltakat kidobjátok az ablakon.

BRAINWASH: normálisak VS agymosottak (modern kor). Találd meg ki az agymosott, mielőtt a te agyadat is kimossák!

PLANET KING: lakosok VS idegenek (sci-fi). Az XY bolygó királya meghalt. Találd meg a legjobb jelöltet a trónra. Vigyázz, más bolygókról jött idegenek is pályáznak a hatalomra. Leplezd le őket!

ELMEGYÓGYINTÉZET: orvosok VS tébolyultak (modern kor). Egy elmegyógyintézetben ébredsz, ahol mindenki orvosnak van öltözve. Derítsd ki, ki kapjon kényszerzubbonyt és ki az igazi orvos!

GYÍKEMBEREK: emberek VS gyíkemberek (modern kor). Embertestű gyíkemberek az XY bolygóról beszivárogtak közénk és át akarják venni a hatalmat. Leplezd le őket!

Ide yazîbî her tiştî şîroveyek:

  1. ack
  2. i can be won over by such types of games if the story is logical and interesting, meaning it should be a short but impactful background story. in other words, if it's modern and political, we shouldn't choose a king, but rather a president, and instead of a council, let's take the example of the usa and have the senate choose.
  3. many ideas are interesting, but the one-line elaboration is insufficient to convey the feeling. what actions are important in a werewolf game: selection based on a common vote, nighttime attack, and the resulting elimination (or conversion?) of a player. it would be good to feel the parallel in different themes, which you touched on in some places, like in the case of throwing someone out the window (which is a very good idea), but it wasn't consistent. what needs to be decided is whether a civilian can turn into a traitor, because these seem to be transitional at first: secret cults: normals vs cultists (modern age). secret cults want to recruit you. expose them! brainwash: normals vs brainwashed (modern age). find out who the brainwashed are before they wash your brain too! the rest, however, do not. what i clearly like more: brainwashed, mental hospital, but here the setup needs to be well thought out so that everyone wakes up at the same time, yet i assume in a good case everyone thinks of themselves as a doctor. by the way, two movies came to mind that you might draw inspiration from, both about infiltration by aliens: they live, invasion of the body snatchers.
  4. look closely at similar games to find something unique in them.
  5. the farthest doctor-mental patient combo is the best :) if you need to test the game, feel free to let me know. since the survey is anonymous, i'll give you a password from which you'll recognize the applicants for testing. code name: radiator. :d
  6. the medieval and alien themes are definitely appealing because they speak to specific audiences. for common users, i think the crazy house theme could be the winner.
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