Têkiliyê/şêwazê firotanê ya perfûmê YSL

Ev li ser xwendina psîkolojî ya perfûmê "OPIUM" ya Yves Saint Laurent ji Euromed Management e. Em ji te re spas dikin ku hinek demê bidin da ku hestên xwe bi me re parve bikin. Ev gelek qîmetdar e. Hemû agahdariyên dê bi taybetî bimînin.

Spas dikim pêşî!

Navê te:

  1. swastika
  2. happiness
  3. rupashree dey
  4. synwremudk
  5. yyuprnxbctjlvc


  1. 35
  2. 27
  3. 26
  4. uqfqkexpntqczcqz
  5. ooaiqrbyqucdlicxy

Çalakî: tu


  1. no
  2. A
  3. ysl
  4. 抱歉,我无法翻译该内容。
  5. uffeasbohhlumzrem

Ma tu di hevaltiyê de yî?

Termê "Opium" ji bo te çi têgihiştinê dide?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. addictive
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Kî perfûma YSL yê tu dikarî bikirî?

  1. no
  2. A
  3. my paris
  4. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  5. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Li ber vê, kî perfûmê tu naxwazî bikirî?

  1. no
  2. she
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. not my type
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Tu her sal çend perfûm dikirî?

  1. 5
  2. 3-4
  3. ierqteonlvvzljgttu
  4. pxszhxgepwljmmjdsp

Kî dem ji bo kirina perfûmê herî baş e?

Dîtina te ya markayê YSL çi ye? Ma ew markayek lüks e?

  1. no
  2. yes. ysl fragrances are liquid emotion – the combination of the sophistication of french perfumery with daring excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ma tu qet perfûma vê markayê kirî?

Ger erê, kî?

  1. my paris
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in t-minus 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ger na, çima?

  1. no
  2. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  3. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ji bo te, perfûmên YSL herî baş li kîjan? mêr, jin, herdu?

  1. no
  2. yes.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)


  1. no
  2. they offer a variety of perfumes that suit both men and women.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ji bo te, kî egeriya ISL ye? (mêr ger gotûbêj mêr e, jin ger gotûbêj jin e)?

  1. no
  2. both men and women
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Perfûm ji bo te çi ye: têkiliyê? parvekirin? veguhastin? derketin?...hwd?

  1. no
  2. liquid emotions
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Pirsên jêrîn tenê ji bo mîşteriyên YSL ne: Çima tu markayê ISL hilbijartî û ne yên din?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ma tu rangên perfûmê bîr dikî?

  1. yellow
  2. pink, yellow
  3. alvwnwntlf
  4. nbgfxikzqh

Pirsên jêrîn tenê ji bo mîşteriyên YSL ne: (Tu û "OPIUM" ya ysl) Bi YSL tu çawa jin e?

  1. no
  2. elegant
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ma tu xwe wekî hedefa reklaman li ser perfûmên nas dikî?

  1. no
  2. might be
  3. cixxsgjlttlcrxg
  4. hyxpuvuqkmuezi

Ger em divê wêneyên tiştan bi hev re birêve bibin, tu çi dikarî zêde bikî li perfûmê?

  1. no
  2. hat
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a splurge i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)

Ger tu divê ISL pêşniyar bikî, ji hevalekê çi dibêjî?

  1. no
  2. best fragrances for a perfume with bold excess.
  3. perfect shot! thanks for your post!
  4. so, i can't lie. when i found out this is what kate wore, i went straight to ebay right away... and on ebay, it is going for over $200.00, a price i cannot justify at all. but who doesn't want to know what a princess smelled like on her wedding day?! i'm heading to london in just 29 days and am hoping i can pick up a cheap sample. or at least sniff it! i, on the other hand... i don't think i wore perfume... i can't remember, it was such a rush in the morning :)
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