Tevgerên torên civakî li ser têkiliyên mirovî û taybetmendiyê

Tu çawa torên civakî qebûl dikin? Çima?

  1. no
  2. moderation is a good thing. however, people often do not feel that moderation.
  3. i view it positively if used wisely. not sharing every step you take, which is usually only interesting to the person sharing, and not disclosing personal information to everyone. the positive aspect is that you receive information about various events and can communicate for free with people you wouldn't have the opportunity to interact with in person.
  4. okay. it's a great way to communicate. however, it can be addictive, as on social networks we create an image of ourselves that we want others to see.
  5. alright, it's a tool to communicate and connect with people more easily.
  6. na
  7. neither bad nor good, if they are used in moderation.
  8. it is a great tool for communication, sharing photos, and keeping up with friends and acquaintances.
  9. positively, time is spent joyfully.
  10. social networks are neither positive nor negative in themselves; it depends on how a person uses them, whether they gain benefits or suffer harm.
  11. goodbye
  12. more positively, as they provide more opportunities for communication.
  13. negatively. live communication and any other activities without screens are more valuable.
  14. like all things, social networks have their own pros and cons.
  15. good, because there is a lot to see and do 😀
  16. fainai
  17. fh
  18. no way.
  19. it is a good communication and information tool, but only when you know how to use it. because sometimes they can take away valuable time and energy.
  20. -
  21. i evaluate it in two ways: the loss of time is bad, but learning news is good.
  22. depending on how i use it, i evaluate it well; of course, there are people who behave carelessly and irresponsibly on social networks.
  23. negatively.
  24. 50/50
  25. positively, the world is improving, just like social networks.
  26. -
  27. positively about the opportunity to communicate comfortably with people.
  28. a great thing as long as it's not too much. when a person starts to elevate every moment of their life to show how wonderfully they live, in my opinion, they are a very complex personality, and social networks only provide an opportunity for that desperate quest for attention.
  29. like
  30. positively, because they help to communicate and connect.
  31. i appreciate it greatly because it is a place where i can express my thoughts much more easily than in real life. it is also very important for me to stay in touch with my family, and since we are not in the same cities at the moment, social networks (such as facebook, instagram) help us share our experiences and the simplest daily happenings with each other.
  32. it takes a lot of time and is an addiction for them; i have been resisting the creation of ig for a couple of years, but i see that i will have to :) but they are part of the game, and there's nothing you can do about it; you can distance yourself from them if you want.
  33. positively.
  34. there are pros and cons. but you need to be critical and watch who you share information with.
  35. positively. it's a convenient way to communicate and share various life events with friends.
  36. useful for communication, but thanks to them, people lose their privacy.
  37. i think this is a convenient platform to communicate and occupy a few boring minutes of free time.
  38. it's bad because they detach people from real life.
  39. positively, as long as they are used in moderation and wisely. it is very easy to slip and oversalt with their use, especially dangerous when too much personal or simply unnecessary information is raised.
  40. great, it easily allows sharing information.
  41. they are necessary for facilitating communication with friends.
  42. partially good - easier communication, but it takes a lot of time.
  43. positively, as it provides both freedom of communication and access to information.
  44. -
  45. positively, as it facilitates communication, and we also share all the necessary information regarding studies on facebook.
  46. social networks have both advantages and disadvantages. +fast way of communication -little privacy
  47. sometimes it's like an addiction, and sometimes it's a brutally good thing because you can see what a person is doing (you see that, for example, they are doing something - you don't disturb them), and it's both good and bad; there is no one answer, it's not just black or white. :)
  48. okay
  49. without them, we wouldn't be able to get by these days, especially since most of our relatives or friends are abroad and it would be too expensive to correspond by letters now.
  50. it is a good tool for communication, but it should not be the main one; it is also suitable for business advertising, searching for like-minded people, and finding various information. many news can be learned about both the world and what is happening in your area, and it is also possible to find and create various events and meetings. there are many benefits, and it has probably become an inseparable trend of the modern world. :)
  51. it's easy to quickly connect with people, find information, and share experiences.
  52. indifferently. there are positive aspects, in my case for work, but there are more negative ones.
  53. it's fine if a person shares their personal data and information about themselves within reasonable limits.
  54. it's good as long as it's not too much...
  55. it is a public space, so the appropriate context must be raised to form a correct opinion about the person raising it, which is why one needs to be sufficiently cautious and consider the long-term consequences. i evaluate it neither positively nor negatively; it depends on the content raised by people and the balance between junk (selfies, thousands of makeup ads, advertising in general) and relevant, meaningful things (political, scientific, cultural current events, aesthetically pleasing photos of close families, important information for students).
  56. social networks themselves do nothing wrong. it is the responsibility of individuals to choose what information they decide to share publicly and what not to. this affects further factors, such as the impact of leaked information, privacy, and so on.
  57. there are both pros and cons. it's convenient and quick to connect, find information, and "pass the time." however, when people share too much of their personal lives, jealousy arises, every little detail can lead to bullying, and everyone tries to present themselves perfectly.
  58. i evaluate it as average, because it is good when you are far from loved ones and friends and cannot communicate with them publicly. but it is bad in that it takes away people's ability to communicate in person and takes away the time we could spend more with our loved ones.
  59. tragically, whether one wants to or not, it is possible to become dependent on it.
  60. -
  61. this is an easy and convenient way to communicate with friends or family, but excessive use by others is annoying and makes one feel uncomfortable.
  62. positively, it's easy to connect with friends and family.
  63. there may be no one there :)
  64. overall, i view social networks positively. they are not fundamentally a bad thing; it is the people who create a cozy or uncomfortable atmosphere on social networks. thus, social networks are indeed a great invention, but people abuse the system.
  65. it is important as long as they do not have dependencies and do not interfere with studies or work.
  66. i value social networks positively when they serve as a helpful communication tool that makes daily life easier. when social networks become an addiction, i view them negatively.
  67. positively
  68. it's sad because communication in reality is getting worse.
  69. okay
  70. partly good, because you can always connect with loved ones, even if they are in another city or country, but on the other hand, a lot of time is wasted on social networks that could be used much better and more productively.
  71. there are positive and negative things.
  72. favorable
  73. it's convenient to communicate
  74. slippery thing
  75. positively, because they provide a lot of benefits.
  76. positively, because they are useful
  77. a useful tool if used purposefully and thoughtfully.
  78. negatively, the apparatus for deceiving society.
  79. too much of anything is unhealthy.
  80. good, helps to broaden horizons
  81. 5. a way to pass the time, but meaningless.
  82. positively, because they make life easier.