
پرسەشنامەیەک لەسەر سیاحەتی.

1. تۆ کێی؟

2. تەمەنت چەندە؟

3. لە ڕووی تۆ، چ کاتژمێرێکی باشە بۆ سفرکردن؟

4. بۆچی فکری تۆ ئەوەیە کە خەڵک هەڵبژاردن بۆ سفرکردن؟

  1. to explore
  2. refreshment from the daily hectic schedule, the opportunity to learn about different cultures, taste new foods, and enjoy the beauty of nature in various places.
  3. fun
  4. entertainment
  5. to relax, to explore new places, to meet new people.
  6. relaxation
  7. the weather is good.
  8. to gather knowledge.
  9. for me, travel means to relax, to have fun, and for adventure. so basically, i think people travel for leisure. and yes, there are also people who travel for work or business purposes.
  10. train

5. چەند گرنگن ئەم شتانی خوارەوە؟

6. فاکتۆرەکان کە چەندە بەرزەوەری هەڵبژاردنی سەردانی وڵاتێکی تایبەتی دیاری دەکەن؟

7. مێژووی کاتی تۆ چەندە؟

8. کەی وڵات(ەکان) دەتەوێت لە 6 مانگی داهاتوودا سەردانی بکەیت؟ بۆچی؟

  1. 1. i want to visit south india to enjoy the beaches, houseboats, and seafood. 2. i have a plan in mind for the future to visit mauritius at least once in my life to enjoy the natural beauty.
  2. ireland
  3. paris, i have heard many good things about the country from friends and have seen beautiful pictures of the place.
  4. switzerland
  5. australia
  6. canada and usa safety and friendly behavior.
  7. i haven't planned anything for the next 6 months yet. but yes, definitely, if there are options, i will choose asian countries. because i want to see different kinds of landforms, interact with different cultures, and visit many famous places.
  8. switzerland
  9. A
  10. france et suisse

9. کەی شێوەی گەشتن دەتەوێت زۆرتر لە کاتێکدا؟

10. چەند گرنگن ئەم شتانی خوارەوە بۆ تۆ؟

تۆ زۆرتر دەتەوێت بۆ -

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